Meeting documents
Working documents
- Reporting format for the period 2013-2018 - T-PVS/PA(2017)09
- Subset of species from Resolution No.6 (1998) and habitats from Resolution No.4 (1996) for the reporting under Resolution No. 8 (2012) over the period 2013-2016 - T-PVS/PA(2017)11
- Explanatory Notes and Guidelines for the period 2013-2018 - Part 1 : the report format field-by-field guidance - Draft version
- 10 x 10 km projection grids for EIONET countries
- 10 x 10 km projection grids for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
- 10 x 10 km projection grid for the Russian Federation
- Eleni Tryfon - General introduction to reporting process, purpose and main outcomes at EU level
- Marc Roekaerts - Overview of the Emerald reporting format
- Doug Evans - Main lessons learnt from EU on critical topics, interpretations of the format
- David Stroud - Experience from 2 EU Member States : UK
- Maciej Bonk - Experience from 2 EU Member States : Poland
- Sabine Roscher - Brief introduction to the reporting tool
- Marc Roekaerts - Preparation for the second workshop including definition of homework from countries which should include a reporting trial for 2-3 species/habitats
- Christopher Philipsen - Explanation on the Pan-European 10x10km grid, including maps per country
- Juraj Lieskovsky - Report on outcomes of the questionnaire to countries
- David Stroud - Report by UK on their experience in converting their national grid to EU grid
- Marc Roekaerts - Guidance for converting national distribution data to the pan-European grid
- Sabine Roscher - Presentation of the range tool