The Bern Convention held its 41st Standing Committee meeting from 29th November to 3rd December 2021, once again online due to the ongoing pandemic and travel-related restrictions.
Contracting Parties, experts, NGO representatives, international observers and others discussed the outcomes of activities implemented throughout 2021, of which there was a particularly high number due to enforced postponements during 2020.
Activities undertaken during the year included progress in the fields of invasive alien species, combating illegal killing of birds, amphibians and reptiles (including a marine turtle initiative), ruddy duck, and plant conservation.
Not to mention the progress achieved in actions related to the Emerald Network of Areas of Special Conservation Interest, and ongoing business of the European Diploma for Protected Areas.
The Committee also discussed important strategic developments of the Convention including in relation to a possible new financial mechanism; and it adopted a Vision for the next decade.
The Standing Committee was also the occasion to assess progress on case-files linked to complaints submitted by citizens and NGOs for alleged breaches of the Convention; notably on three online advisory missions carried out this year. It further mandated 3 new on-the-spot appraisals for 2022.
The webpage of the meeting including the draft agenda and all working documents and adopted texts can be accessed here.