Last updated on 08/12/2017
Description :
T-PVS = Working documents
T-PVS/Files = Follow-up of Recommendations and Complaints
T-PVS/Inf = Information documents
T-PVS/PA = Protected Areas and Ecological Networks
T-PVS/DE = European Diploma of Protected Areas
Other = Other reports for information only
List of decisions and adopted texts
- List of decisions and adopted texts - T-PVS(2017) Misc
The documents adopted at the Standing Committee meeting can be found here.
Agenda Item 1 - Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda
- Agenda - T-PVS(2017)01E
- Annotated Agenda - T-PVS(2017)27E
Agenda Item 2 - Chairman's report and communications from the delegations and from the Secretariat
- Reports of the Bureau meetings in March and September 2017 - T-PVS(2017)09E - T-PVS(2017)25E updated on 25 October
- Report of the 36th Standing Committee meeting - T-PVS(2016)29E
Agenda Item 3 - Monitoring of the implementation of the legal aspects of the Convention
3.1 Biennial reports 2013-2014, 2015-2016 concerning exceptions made to Articles 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 and quadrennial reports 2009-2012 and 2013-2016
- Summary tables of reporting under the Bern Convention - T-PVS/Inf(2017)12 updated on 15 November
- Registered users to the ORS System - T-PVS/Inf(2017)24 updated on 27 November
3.3 Proposal for amendment of the Convention: Proposal for listing the Balkan lynx (Lynx lynx ssp. balcanicus) in the Appendix II of the Bern Convention
- Proposal for amendment of Appendix II to the Bern Convention - T-PVS(2017)17E + Annex 1 + Annex 2
3.4 Gender mainstreaming and the Bern Convention
- Draft recommendation on mainstreaming a gender equality perspective in the implementation of the Convention - T-PVS(2017)21E updated on 23 October
- Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy 2014 - 2017 updated on 3rd November
Agenda Item 4 - Monitoring of Species and Habitats
Documents for information only
- Compilation of 2016 reports by Parties on the follow-up of Recommendation No.176 (2015) - T-PVS/Files(2016)30
- Compilation of Parties' replies to the 2017 Questionnaire for the reporting by Parties on the implementation of Recommendation No.176(2015) - T-PVS/Inf(2017)18 updated on 23 October
- Compilation of national reports for 2017 on the conservation of amphibians and reptiles - T-PVS/Inf(2017)20 updated on 23 October
4.1 Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Report of the 1st meeting of the Restricted Group of Experts on Biodiversity and Climate Change - T-PVS(2017)19E
- Mandate of the Restricted Group of Experts - T-PVS(2017)18E
4.2 Invasive Alien Species
- Report of the Expert meeting on the eradication of the ruddy duck - T-PVS/Inf(2017)03
- Report of the 12th meeting of the Group of Experts on IAS - T-PVS(2017)12E
- Draft Recommendation on the European Code of Conduct for Invasive Alien Trees - T-PVS(2017)14E
- Draft Code of Conduct for Invasive Alien Trees - T-PVS/Inf(2017)08 updated on 3rd November
- Draft Code of conduct for Invasive Alien Trees (with visible changes to the document) - T-PVS/Inf(2017)08 updated on 3rd November
- Draft Recommendation on the European Code of Conduct on International Travel and IAS - T-PVS(2017)15E updated on 7th November
- Code of Conduct on International travel and IAS - T-PVS/Inf(2017)01
- Draft Recommendation on the control and eradication of IAS on islands - T-PVS(2017)16E
4.3 Conservation of Birds
- Report of the 6th meeting of the Group of Experts on the conservation of birds - T-PVS(2017)23E updated on 21st November
- Report of the Joint Bern SFPs Network/CMS MIKT meeting - T-PVS(2017)22E updated on 17 November
- Draft Recommendation on the establishment of a Scoreboard for measuring progress in combatting illegal killing, taking and trade of wild birds - T-PVS(2017)10E
- Scoreboard for measuring progress in combatting illegal killing, taking and trade of wild birds - T-PVS/Inf(2017)14E
4.4 Amphibians and Reptiles
- Report of the meeting of the 9th Group of Experts on amphibians and reptiles - T-PVS(2017)28E updated on 22nd November
- Draft recommendation on biosafety measures for the prevention of the spread of amphibian and reptile species diseases - T-PVS(2017)26E updated on 3rd November
4.5 Conservation of other threatened Species
- Results from the Strategic Planning Workshop on Leopard Conservation in the Caucasus (Tbilisi, Georgia, 25-26 April 2017) - T-PVS/Inf(2017)21
- Status of implementation of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Sturgeons (Acipenseridae) in the Danube River Basin - T-PVS/Inf(2017)22 updated on 7 November
4.6 Habitats
4.6.1 Protected Areas and Ecological Networks
- Report of the 2nd meeting of the ad-hoc Restricted Group of Experts - T-PVS/PA(2017)12 updated on 3rd November
- Report of the 8th meeting of the GoEPAEN - T-PVS/PA(2017)13E updated on 3rd November
- Legal analysis of the Emerald Network reporting requirements under the Bern Convention - T-PVS/Inf(2017)11
- Reporting format for the period 2013-2018 - T-PVS/PA(2017)09
- Subset of species from Resolution No.6 (1998) and habitats from Resolution No.4 (1996) for the reporting under Resolution No. 8 (2012) over the period 2013-2016 - T-PVS/PA(2017)11
- Updated list of officially nominated candidate Emerald sites - T-PVS/PA(2017)15 updated on 4 December
- Updated list of officially adopted Emerald sites - T-PVS/PA(2017)16 updated on 4 December
- The concept of the "ecological character" of sites in the Bern Convention/Emerald Network context, and options for addressing changes in ecological character - T-PVS/PA(2017)08 updated on 2nd November
4.6.2 European Diploma for Protected Areas
- Report of the meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas - T-PVS/DE(2017)14E
- Draft Resolutions on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas - T-PVS/DE(2017)09E updated on 20 October
- Position paper of Poland on agenda item 4.6.2 - T-PVS/DE(2017)26 updated on 1 December
Agenda Item 5 - Specific sites and populations
- Summary of case files and complaints - T-PVS(2017)24E updated on 14 November
- Register of Bern Convention's case-files - T-PVS/Inf(2017)02 updated on 9th November
5.1 Files opened
- File open: Cyprus - Akamas peninsula:
- Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)19 updated on 3rd November
- Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)24 updated on 30 October
- EU Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)22
- File open: Bulgaria - Wind farms in Balchik and Kaliakra - Via Pontica:
- Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)18 updated on 30 October
- NGOs Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)31
- File open: Greece - threats to marine turtles in Thines Kiparissias
- Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)20 updated on 10 November
- NGO Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)37 updated on 2nd November
- Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)30
- File open: Turkey - Presumed degradation of nesting beaches in Fethiye and Patara SPAs
- Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)35 updated on 30 October
- Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)29
- File open: "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia": Hydro power development within the territory of the Mavrovo national Park
- Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)09
- Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)14 updated on 27 November
5.2 Possible files
- Possible file: Bulgaria - Motorway through the Kresna Gorge
- Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)10 + Annex 1 + Annex 2 + Annex 3 (1/2) + Annex 3 (2/2) + Annex 4 updated on 30 October
- Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)33 + Annex 1 updated on 30 October
- Stakeholders Reports - T-PVS/Files(2017)41 updated on 29 November
- Possible file: Norway - Lack of legal protection for Northern goshawk and birds of prey in Norway
- Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)16 updated on 13 November
- Complaint Form - T-PVS/Files(2017)27 + Annex 1 + Annex 2
5.3 Follow-up of previous complaints and Recommandations
- Closed case-file 1998/3: Habitats for the survival of the common hamster (Cricetus Cricetus) in Alsace, France
- Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)25 [FR]
- Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)39 [FR] updated on 24 November
- Recommendation No. 95 (2002) on the conservation of marine turtles in Kazanli beach (Turkey)
- Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)45
- Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)34
- Recommendation No. 176 (2015) on the prevention and control of the Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans chytrid fungus
- Compilation of National Replies to the questionnaire - T-PVS/Inf(2017)18
- Recommendation No. 190 (2016) on the conservation of natural habitats and wildlife, specially birds, in afforestation of lowland in Iceland
- Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)38 updated on 13 November
- Recommendation No. 9 (1987) on the protection of Caretta Caretta in Laganas bay, Zakynthos (Greece)
- Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)40 updated on 29 November
- NGO Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)36 updated on 2nd November
Agenda Item 6 - Strategic development of the Convention
6.2 Implementation of the CBD Strategic Plan for biodiversity: the contribution of the Bern Convention
- Draft Activity Report 2016-2017 - T-PVS/Inf(2017)23 updated on 23rd November
6.4 Draft Programme of Activities and budget for 2018-2019
- Draft Programme of Activities for 2018-2019 - T-PVS(2017)20E updated on 17 November
Agenda Item 7 - Election of Chair, Vice-Chair and Bureau Members
- Rules of Procedure: Standing Committee, on-the-spot enquiries, mediation - T-PVS/Inf(2013)6E
Other documents
- MBCC Annual Cyprus report 2017 updated on 24 November
Agenda Item 3.4
Agenda Item 4.2
Agenda Item 4.5
Agenda Item 5.1
- Akamas - Terra Cypria
- Balchik and Kaliakra - BirdLife Bulgaria
- Kyparissia - MEDASSET
- Fethiye and Patara - MEDASSET
- Mavrovo National Park - Eko-svest
Agenda Item 5.2
- Kresna Gorge - Association Za Zemiata Bulgaria
- Northern goshawk and birds of prey - BirdLife International
Agenda Item 4.3.1
Agenda Item 4.3.2
Agenda Item 4.6.1
Agenda Item 4.6.3
Agenda Item 5.3
- Common hamster - French Authorities
- Kazanli beach - MEDASSET
- Caretta Caretta in Laganas bay - MEDASSET