Since 2004, the CEPEJ has undertaken a regular process for evaluating judicial systems of the Council of Europe's member states.

Its Working Group on the evaluation of judicial systems (CEPEJ-GT-EVAL) is in charge of the management of this process.

To facilitate the process of collecting and processing judicial data, an online electronic version of the Scheme has been created (accessible on CEPEJ-COLLECT). Each national correspondent can thus accede to a secured webpage to register and to submit the relevant replies to the Secretariat of the CEPEJ.

National replies also contain descriptions of legal systems and explanations that contribute greatly to the understanding of the figures provided. Easily accessible to all citizens, policy makers, law practitioners, academicians and researchers on CEPEJ-STAT, a genuine data base on the judicial systems of the Council of Europe's member states, they are therefore a useful complement to the report, although because of the need to be concise and consistent, it was not possible to include all this information in this report.

Applying the same methodology, other evaluation exercises are carried out in European Union, Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries.


2024 Cycle (2022 Data) 


Explanatory note


2022 Cycle (2020 Data) - New report to be published on 16/10/24 

European judicial systems - CEPEJ Evaluation Report - 2022 Evaluation cycle

Database "CEPEJ-STAT"Database "CEPEJ-STAT"  
2022 data available on 16/10/24

A unique tool for judicial professionals, academicians, researchers and the media

Access to the CEPEJ-STAT dynamic database





CEPEJ-COLLECT - Data collection system for national correspondents

Network of national correspondents

Peer review on judicial statistics

Working Group on the evaluation of judicial systems (CEPEJ-GT-EVAL)



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