The specific situation and challenges faced by young refugees has naturally been on the agenda of the Council of Europe youth sector for a long time, usually about the social and intercultural integration of young migrants and refugees.

It is currently focused on the specific needs of refugees in transition to adulthood, based on the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers CM/Rec(2019)4 on Supporting Young Refugees in Transition to Adulthood. The recommendation asks governments to ensure that young refugees receive additional temporary support after the age of 18 to enable them to access their rights and strengthen the role of youth work in promoting better access to these rights.

This work of the youth sector is closely related to the Council of Europe Action Plan on Protecting Vulnerable Persons in the Context of Migration and Asylum in Europe (2021-2025) and complemented by education and training activities held at the European Youth Centres in cooperation with refugee-led youth organisations, such as Voice of Young Refugees in Europe and The Young Republic.

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