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Are parliaments doing enough to protect children from poverty

How to involve parliaments in actions that aim to protect children in Europe from poverty? How to build strong and powerful networks that work for and with children living in poor social conditions?

An exchange between Eliane Chemla, General Rapporteur of the European Committee of Social Rights, and Jan Malinowski, Head of the Department of the European Social Charter and members of the Sub-Committee on Children and of the Sub-Committee on the European Social Charter of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe was held on 15 November in Strasbourg.

The importance of invigorating the collective complaints procedure under the European Social Charter was highlighted in order to act for poor children with disabilities deprived of a proper education, prevent child marriages in poor Roma communities and avoid intergenerational transmission of poverty.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE should create a network of national parliamentary « ambassadors » to push for better implementation and wider ratification of key Social Charter rights and mechanisms relating to children’s rights, highlighted Jan Malinowski.

The joint meeting was organised in the framework of the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC) and the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, 18 November.

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Strasbourg, France 15/11/2019
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