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Opportunity to provide market research services to assess the general understanding of child sexual abuse in Slovenia
Call for tender

The Council of Europe is currently implementing a project to Support the implementation of Barnahus (Children’s House), phase II in Slovenia. Barnahus is a leading European model for a child-friendly multidisciplinary and interagency response to child sexual exploitation and abuse. Among its expected results, the project aims to increase awareness of professionals and the wider public on the phenomenon of child sexual abuse in Slovenia. The project is implemented in close collaboration with the Ministry of Justice in Slovenia and co-financed by the European Union Structural Reform Support Services.

In this context, the Project is recruiting a Provider to carry out quantitative and qualitative research among adults and children in Slovenia on child sexual abuse.

Please refer to the Act of Engagement and Tender file for further details.

The Provider should have the capacity to complete the consultations and finish the drafting of the document no later than 01/05/20 (tbd).

Candidates are invited to submit their proposal including the duly completed and signed copy of the Act of Engagement, a quote describing the financial offer and methodology and examples of relevant experience,  before 14 February 2020. Proposals are to be sent to [email protected] by specifying “Slovenia market research study” in the subject line.

 Act of Engagement

 Tender file

Strasbourg 31 January 2020
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