
25 October 2012

The offices in charge with the public relations, from the courts, transmitted a press release related to the Civil Justice Day that corresponds with the day of open doors.

The visitors, mostly the students in law (or other field) and pupils, were invited to visit the court and they were accompanied by a judge or by a judicial clerk. The representative of the court explained them generally the modality in which the court is organized (the archive, the registration office, the offices of the judges and the clerks, the rooms etc) and the steps that follows in the development of a suit.

Brochures on the New Civil Code or the Guides for the orienteering of the claimant have been distributed to them.

Some courts prolonged the organization of the event, after the working hours, at the local cultural center, where the local representatives of the other authorities were invited.

Meetings at the local TV stations were organized or information leaflets were published at the local newspapers.

The posters with the Civil Justice Day received from the EJNCCM were distributed at the courts, faculties of law and other institutions that develop judicial activities.

Some local courts organized short meetings for the professional training of the judges on the application of the EC Regulations.

The Romanian National Institute of the Magistracy invited the Romanian national contact points for the EJNCCM from the Romanian Ministry of Justice, as well as the members of the Romanian Judicial Network in Civil Matters to celebrate, on the 25.10.2012, the Civil Justice Day together with the representatives of the Romanian judges members of the EuRoQuod Network in charge with the coordination of their colleagues in the field of the EU law.

The National School of Judicial Clerks also organized the Civil Justice day at their central headquarters as well as at their secondary headquarters in the territory.



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