
25 October 2011

The Judicial Academy of Serbia, Belgrade, Karadjordjeva 48 on 25 October 2011

The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia participated in this year’s commemoration of the European Civil Justice Day.

The Ministry organized lectures at the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia for young professionals in the field of law and judiciary.


11 am to 11.15 Opening speech
Nenad Vujic, Director of the Judicial Academy Gordana Pualić, State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice
11.15 am to 11.45 am Sonja Vidanovic, High Judicial Council
Gordana Janicijevic, Deputy Public Prosecutor
11.45 am to 12 Coffee Break
12 to 12.15 Bruno Vekaric, CEO of the Judical Academy and the Deputy Prosecutor for War Crimes
12.15 to 1 pm Nenad Vujic, Director of the Judicial Academy

Summary of the event

The Republic of Serbia joined for the first time the celebration of the European Day of Civil Justice on October 25th 2011. In this regard, the two separate events were organized in Belgrade and Kladovo.

First Counsel of Misdemeanor Courts Judges held in Kladovo, 10/25/2011

"European Day of Civil Justice should remind us of the necessity to continuously work on bringing justice closer to citizens of Serbia and our forthcoming admission to the family of European countries", said Minister of Justice of the Republic of Serbia. Ms. Snezana Malovic at the opening of the First Counsel of Misdemeanor Courts Judges held in Kladovo to mark the European Day of Civil Justice. Ms. Malović told that the Ministry will continue to insist on bringing justice closer to citizens, and put additional efforts to establishing the rule of law and the achievement of European standards. Public awareness about the judiciary is best created through the work of misdemeanor courts, as the public most frequently encounters with them, indicated Ms. Malovic. That is why the opening of the First Counsel of Misdemeanor Courts Judges was scheduled on this important date.

A strong impetus to the entire judiciary should certainly be a recent European Commission report which expressed support to Serbia and positively assessed the course of its judicial reform, but Ms. Malovic pointed out that "despite all this, a lot of work awaits and we will not stop here."

European Day of Civil Justice Reception at the Judicial Academy, Belgrade, 10/25/2011

At the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Justice organized a reception for the first and second generation of students of the Academy to mark the European Day of Civil Justice. Opening speech was given by Ms. Gordana Pualić, State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice. Ms. Pualić told the students that there could be no rule of law without an independent and impartial judiciary. "The Judicial Academy is a path to a truly independent judiciary and a pledge for the future Serbia as a democratic state with the rule of law”.

Ms. Sonja Vidanovic from the High Judicial Council, and Ms. Gordana Janicijevic, Deputy Public Prosecutor, also spoke from their position on the importance of the institution of the Judicial Academy and proper education for holders of judicial functions.

According to Mr. Bruno Vekaric, the Deputy Prosecutor for War Crimes and the CEO of the Judicial Academy, the judicial reform aimed at making justice "not slow and attainable, but fast and efficient", and above all, accessible to all citizens, has given some positive results, as pointed out in the report of the European Commission. Institutions in Serbia are visibly reinforced and material and human capacities are evident, even though not yet fully developed, Mr. Vekaric said, noting that Serbia is also on a track to ensure justice network of cooperation with other Western Balkan countries.

The Director of the Judicial Academy, Mr. Nenad Vujic, said that training is one of the key requirements for populating judiciary with quality staff, as well as for developing an independent, impartial and efficient judiciary. He also gave a lecture on fundamental human rights and the access to justice in the afternoon part of the program.



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