European Day of Justice - 200725 October: European Day of Civil Justice

Strasbourg, 15.10.2007 – On the joint initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Commission, the European Day of Civil Justice (EDCJ) will be celebrated throughout Europe for the fifth consecutive year on 25 October.

The purpose of this Day is to help the 800 million citizens of the Council of Europe's 47 member states to be better informed of their rights and the way in which justice works on a daily basis, through events organised by the member states (open days in courts, colloquies, television programmes, etc.).

A special event associated with the Day will be held on 8 November at the law courts in Aachen (Germany), promoted by the Ministry of Justice of the “Land” of North Rhine-Westphalia with input from the governments of the Netherlands and Belgium. This event will include simulated court proceedings, discussion workshops and meetings with professionals, on the theme of civil justice in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.

The closing ceremony of the event will be held in the presence of Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Francisco Fonseca, Director of the Directorate of Civil Justice, Rights and Citizenship in the European Commission, Brigitte Zypries, Federal Minister of Justice of Germany, and Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Minister of Justice of the Netherlands.



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