Indietro Meeting of the Congress Bureau in Paris

Meeting of the Congress Bureau in Paris

The Congress Bureau met in Paris on 15 September 2017 to discuss the situation of local and regional democracy in several countries, in particular Turkey, Ukraine, Romania, and Armenia. It also held an exchange of views with Laima Jureviciene, Chair of the Rapporteur Group on Democracy (GR-DEM) of the Council of Europe. The agenda also included the preparation of the next sessions of the Congress, in particular the 33rd session, and an item on co-operation with Morocco and Tunisia. The Bureau also examined the arrangements for observing local elections in the “former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” (15 October 2017) and Georgia (21 October 2017) and considered a draft preliminary resolution on the future of European Local Democracy Week, a pan-European event, which has been co-ordinated by the Congress since 2007.

Photos [Flickr]

Bureau Paris, France 15 September 2017
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