Indietro Congress President at Conference on Urban security policies: “we must guard against erosion of human rights in the name of improving security”

Congress President at Conference on Urban security policies: “we must guard against erosion of human rights in the name of improving security”

The President of the Congress Gudrun MOSLER-TÖRNSTRÖM took part in the Conference on “Security, Democracy & Cities: Coproducing Urban security policies” organised by the European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS) in Barcelona, from 15 to 17 November 2017. During Panel 2, on “the commitment of local and regional authorities for inclusive and sustainable security”, she underlined that elected representatives must base their action on compliance with human rights and non-discrimination, when developing policies for the safety of their citizens. “To diminish the risk of harm to the security of our populations, we must use all means available from local police work to new technologies. But we must guard against erosion of human rights in the name of improving security” she stated. “Our reflection and action must focus on what local political leaders can do best: bring people together around an idea, raise awareness, create the conditions for social dialogue, promote citizen initiatives, give greater responsibility to residents in neighbourhoods and generally build capacity to work together locally.” she said. The President insisted that there is no hope of achieving a democratic, peaceful society if the rights of some members of that society are not respected. She reaffirmed the necessity to bring all actors of security policies together and ensure that national and local actions in this regard are well coordinated.

Presidency Barcelona, Spain 17 November 2017
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