As part of its monitoring of regional democracy in Europe, the Congress maintains a regular dialogue with member states of the Council of Europe. The Committee of Ministers, which includes the 46 Foreign Ministers of these states, the Conference of Ministers responsible for local and regional authorities, as well as its Steering Committees are partners in this regard.

Several times a year, the President and the Secretary General of the Congress provide the representatives of the member states in the Committee of Ministers with a record of its activities and hold an exchange of views.

The Congress also has direct contacts and exchanges with national governments, in particular, on the occasion of official visits in the member states, or during follow-up visits or observation of local and regional elections.

Indietro Monitoring, one of the Council of Europe’s assets

Monitoring, one of the Council of Europe’s assets

The Foreign Ministers who met at the Ministerial Summit in Helsinki, Finland, on 17 May 2019, underlined in their final declaration that: “The Organisation’s strength is the periodic and thorough assessment of all member States, in line with established legal criteria. The Committee of Ministers, its intergovernmental organ, the Parliamentary Assembly, a unique pan-European forum for interparliamentary dialogue and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities carry out monitoring functions and act as guardians of human rights and democracy in their areas of competence. We also highly value the role of the Commissioner for Human Rights, the Venice Commission as well as other independent bodies. We recognise the valuable contribution of each of these bodies and mechanisms in upholding our common legal standards.”

The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities is the assembly responsible for ensuring the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. This international convention guarantees the proper functioning of local democracy in Europe and commits the 47 Council of Europe member States, all of which have ratified it, to respect its principles.


Ministerial Summit Helsinki, Finland 17 May 2019
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