Indietro Congress delegation concludes electoral information mission to Gagauzia

Congress delegation concludes electoral information mission to Gagauzia
A 6 member-delegation from the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, led by Sevdia Ugrekhelidz (Georgia, EPP/CCE), visited the Republic of Moldova from 19 to 20 November, and held meetings with interlocutors in Comrat and Chisinau, prior to the elections for the Popular Assembly of the Autonomous Unit of Gagauzia conducted yesterday. On Election Day, two Congress' teams spot-checked some 20 polling stations (of a total of 66) in all parts of Gagauzia and found the situation satisfactory overall. With the exception of some procedural inconsistencies, in particular with regard to the use of cameras and mobile phones, voting was well organised, carried out in a calm and orderly manner and broadly in line with international standards. A particular feature of the E-Day was a relatively high number of mobile voting boxes requested and of voters on the so-called supplementary lists in polling stations visited by the Congress. Of particular interest will be the further implementation of the new Electoral Code of Gagauzia which, prior to these elections, had been challenged, related to specific parts, at the higher level by central Moldovan authorities. 

Press release          
Elections Republic of Moldova 20 November 2016
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