11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
The European Social Charter, the human rights treaty on social and economic rights, guarantees the right to housing in Articles 16 and 31.
Under Article 31 of the Charter, States Parties must guarantee to everyone the right to adequate housing and they should promote access to housing in particular to the different groups of vulnerable persons, such as low-income persons, unemployed persons, single parent households, young persons, persons with disabilities including those with mental health problems. Furthermore the obligation to promote and provide housing extends to security from unlawful eviction. In order to comply with the Charter, legal protection for persons threatened with eviction must be prescribed by law.
Article 16 of the Charter guarantees a right to decent housing for families in the context of securing the right of families to social, legal and economic protection. Under Article 16 of the Charter, States Parties must promote the provision of an adequate supply of housing for families, take the needs of families into account in housing policies and ensure that existing housing be of an adequate standard and include essential services (such as heating and electricity). Adequate housing refers not only to a dwelling which must not be sub-standard and must have essential amenities, but also to a dwelling of suitable size considering the composition of the family in residence.
The right of persons with disabilities to social integration provided for by Article 15§3 of the Charter implies that barriers to mobility be removed in order to enable access to transport (land, rail, sea and air), housing (public, social and private), cultural activities and leisure (social and sporting activities). Public transports (land, rail, sea and air), all newly constructed or renovated public buildings, facilities and buildings open to the public, and cultural and leisure activities should be physically accessible. The needs of persons with disabilities must be taken into account in housing policies, including the construction of an adequate supply of suitable, public, social or private housing. Further, financial assistance should be provided for the adaptation of existing housing.
The European Committee of Social Rights (ESCR) monitors the implementation of the Charter, not only in law, but also in practice. The ECSR examined the situation and measures taken by States Parties with regard to Articles 16 and 31 in respect of housing in its Conclusions 2019 . Under Article 31§1 (adequacy of housing), most of the non-conformities concerned the substandard housing conditions of Roma/Travellers, while other non-conformities concerned more general problems such as substandard housing for a large number of dwellings and the lack of rules imposing obligations on landlords to ensure that dwellings are of an adequate standard. As regards Article 31§2 (reduction of homelessness), most of the non-conformities concerned the insufficient legal protection for persons threatened by eviction (forced eviction), including specific issues under this topic such as the prohibition of evictions during winter: Some non-conformities refer specifically to evictions of Roma, while other non-conformities are based on the insufficient measures to reduce and prevent homelessness in general. Another ground of non-conformity was the insufficient protection of the right to shelter. Finally, under Article 31§3 on affordable housing, the non-conformities concerned the shortage of social housing and the lack of equal treatment of foreign nationals lawfully residing with regard to social housing and housing benefits (length of residence requirements). Other non-conformities concerned access of Roma/Travellers/Sinti to social housing or housing assistance.
The ECSR examined the measures taken by States Parties with regard to the implementation of Article 15§3 of the Charter in its Conclusions 2020 .
Local authorities are key players in achieving this and other goals. However, in order to be efficient in fulfilling their tasks, they need to be empowered – through decentralisation policies, and enabled – through capacity-building tools. The Council of Europe offers assistance to its member States in both areas.
The Council of Europe is the leading international organisation in respect of strengthening local government and “creating sustainable communities, where people like to live and work, now and in the future” (Final Declaration of the Third Council of Europe Summit). It has the only international treaty concerning decentralisation, the European Charter of Local Self-Government (“the Charter”) and a number of recommendations and other standards, a solid knowledge base, specific tools, expertise and experience with supporting reforms both of central and local government. The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities monitors the Charter and ensures regular exchanges between local and regional government representatives, whilst the European Committee on Democratic Governance (CDDG) brings together central government representatives to elaborate legal standards and guidance documents dealing inter-alia with good, democratic and multi-level governance, issues and good practices related to the management of public affairs including at local and regional level, as well as to exchange experience in those fields on an on-going basis. In addition, the Centre of Expertise for Good Governance. offers practical support to central governments who want to reform their legislation, institutions or policies, and to local authorities wishing to improve the quality of their governance and public services. For example, the 12 Principles of Good Democratic Governance, as well as specific capacity-building tools, training materials and benchmarks developed by the Centre of Expertise can help public authorities develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels based on inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making. Together with the CDDG, it helps promote sustainable, resilient, metropolitan governance reforms.
The Council of Europe’s Intercultural cities programme (ICC) has pioneered a new policy framework for inclusion and sustainable diversity management at the local level, supporting local authorities in the building of cohesive culturally diverse cities which are resilient to conflict. This policy framework has been endorsed by the Committee of Ministers in their Recommendation CM (2015)1 on intercultural integration and was reaffirmed and updated in the Recommendation (2022)10 on multilevel policies and governance for intercultural integration. According to the Recommendation, intercultural integration strategies should be designed based on evidence, in a participatory manner, and implemented in cooperation and coordination with all levels of government.
Citizens and local authorities have been gaining a central role in the scope of sustainable development until the latter became the foundation for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. However, while there is extensive guidance, scientific knowledge, legally binding instruments, and relatively big funding for a more sustainable development of our societies, there are still important gaps in dealing with the green transition in a way that is truly inclusive.
For this reason, in 2020 the ICC programme has launched work Sustainable Intercultural Cities, with the view to ensure that sustainable development policies and actions contribute to achieving equal rights and opportunities for all, build on the diversity advantage, and enable meaningful intercultural interaction, active participation, co-creation, co-development and co-evaluation. The first area on which the ICC programme focussed in 2021 is circular economy, an alternative to linear economy and a model which devises solutions from a systems and human-centric design perspective. In 2022 the programme addressed the inclusive transition to green infrastructures by collecting good practices, conducting a study visit and producing policy guidance for its members. This was followed in 2023 by the initiative “Intercultural cities in placemaking”, a pilot project on urban development aiming at collectively reimagining and reinventing public spaces with particular attention to the physical, cultural, and social identities that define a place and support its ongoing evolution.
Finally, it should be noted that various studies and research have revealed strong links between local intercultural policies and citizens’ well-being, with positive impact on cities' social and economic performance. These studies also demonstrated that countries where intercultural policies are co-ordinated between the national and local levels, have better overall integration results. The ICC programme will continue contributing to the work of the Committee of Experts on Intercultural Inclusion, under the Steering committee on anti-discrimination, diversity and inclusion (CDADI), to extend and adapt the intercultural integration policy framework to the national level.
A series of projects are currently being implemented to support local and regional administrations with presence of Roma communities in improving the quality of their governance, such as the Council of Europe/European Union Joint Programmes “ROMACT” and “ROMACTED”, which aims to increase the capacity of local authorities to develop and implement inclusive policies and public services, with particular focus on Roma, both promoting good governance but also Roma participation and empowerment at local level. The socio-economic recovery from the COVID19 pandemic of the local Roma communities is at the heart of the priorities of these programmes. The ROMACTED programme is piloting a participatory methodology of Roma Responsive Budgeting at local level in the Western Balkans and Turkey to achieve resilient and sustainable local responses to the needs and aspirations of the Roma communities.
The 13th Meeting of the Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma and Traveller civil society on “Defending the rights of Roma and Traveller children” also supported the role and diversity of civil society, including human rights defenders. Most Roma and Traveller children are still members of segregated and discriminated communities in Europe and while some have escaped from material deprivation, millions still face discrimination and human rights violations on a daily basis. This is due to factors such as prevalent antigypsyism and weaknesses in national legislation and in its implementation, slow progress and systemic failures of Roma and Traveller inclusion policies regarding segregated housing and education policies, insufficient Traveller site provision policy and slum clearance policies, lack of access to and short-comings of local family and social protection systems, family benefits and services, lack of access to justice and health services which all increase Roma and Traveller children’s plight and vulnerability.
The Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI) contributes to this goal by developing standards and tools in the field of intercultural integration such as: Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)10 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on multilevel policies and governance for intercultural integration adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 6 April 2022, a Model Framework for an intercultural integration strategy at the national level, Capacity building programme and tools for migrant integration, a Manual for the design of a training course on intercultural competence, a Training Manual on Equality Data Collection to prevent Systemic Discrimination, a Feasibility Study on comprehensive strategies for inclusion.
This work is based on the experience gained in the Intercultural Cities Programme and on the monitoring work of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance. The Committee of Experts on Intercultural Inclusion developed a Model framework for an intercultural integration strategy at the national level and drafted the Committee of Ministers Recommendation on multilevel policies and governance for intercultural integration, which was adopted in April 2022. The CDADI furthermore adopted a Review report on the implementation of the Committee of Ministers Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)1 on intercultural integration.
For the years 2024-2027, the Committee of Experts on Intercultural Inclusion (ADI-INT), is tasked to prepare a guidance document on strategies for inclusion that will lead to the development of a new peer learning and benchmarking tool on strategies for inclusion, as well as tools for the capacity-building programme for migrant integration targeting all levels of government.
From April 2020 to December 2022, JP ROMACT awarded 46 small grants to different stakeholders in partner municipalities in Bulgaria and Romania, focusing on awareness-raising and material aid aimed at overcoming the impact of the pandemic on the most vulnerable in the Roma communities. The projects included information campaigns, distribution of protective items, food items and hygiene products, as well as the disinfection of public spaces. From April to December 2020, JP ROMACTED awarded top-up funds to 49 small grants scheme projects to five Beneficiaries and supported organisations in Montenegro and Turkey to ease the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. JP ROMACTED II has a specific component that targeted post-COVID activities in the Western Balkans and Turkey. From June 2021 onwards, specific action plans were drawn up with beneficiaries, and community needs assessments were undertaken in the areas of education, employment, housing, and health in Roma communities. In March 2022, an assessment report was published in Kosovo* as part of the JP ROMACTED II Programme on the rate of COVID-19 vaccinations in the Roma Ashkali Egyptian communities on: access, information, hesitancy, and barriers. In 2023, over 70 projects were designed to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic. In addition to this, Risk Management Plans were also drawn in several Beneficiaries to prepare the local authorities for natural and health hazards.
The Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) aims to make sport fairer, safer and ensures that it conforms to high ethical standards. In this regard, sports policies implemented by EPAS promote secure, threat-free environments that are supportive and inclusive. Under the three pillars of ethical, inclusive and safe sport, EPAS runs different projects to help integrate migrants through sport. With regard to making cities more sustainable, EPAS also supports the creation and improvement of sports facility mapping systems which helps countries and local authorities to provide sports facilities for all their citizens.
The activities of the Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events (CETS No. 218) help State Parties to set up safe, inclusive and sustainable sports events, in appropriate facilities, to promote safe and healthy local communities.
With the adoption of the European Landscape Convention, the member States of the Council of Europe have taken an important step acknowledging that the landscape is an important part of the quality of life, in particular in urban areas. Each Party undertakes to “integrate landscape into its regional and town planning”. Activities carried out on “Landscapes for urban, suburban and peri-urban areas”, on “Landscape, towns and peri-urban and suburban areas” and on “Landscape and public spaces”, as well as achievements presented in the framework of the Landscape Award Alliance of the Council of Europe present concrete experiences of cities and human settlements that are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
The United Nations Agenda 2030 and its 17 sustainable development goals do not focus specifically on cultural heritage, with the exception of goal 11 that advocates making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, and in particular to “Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage” (11.4).
In fact, many targets have specific implications in the field of culture and highlight the role that local heritage can play in this sustainable development framework. Most of them relate to protection and safeguarding (11.4), participatory mechanisms such as public, private and civil society multi-stakeholder partnerships (17), representative decision making (16.7), accessibility and inclusive spaces (11.7), education for diversity (4) and policies for sustainable development, particularly in tourism (17 and 8), develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all (9.1), ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities and gender equality awareness raising (5.5., 5 A/B/C) and integrating climate change measures into national policies and capacity building strategies, improve education and awareness raising (13.2, 13.3 & 13B).
National administrations should have indicators to implement these targets and work in close collaboration with local / regional administrations to raise awareness and disseminate the UN Agenda 2030 among stakeholders.
As the Strategy 21 (CoE Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)1) is an adaptative model for cultural heritage based on a holistic approach and participatory governance, it could become a useful tool for all stakeholders towards achieving mentioned targets in 2030. The recent ST21 MooC strongly recommends the application of these (above mentioned) goals.
The principles of sustainable development and its application are clearly shown in the ST21 best practices examples database (project/initiatives) and within the ST21‘s component dedicated to Territorial and economic development (D) and in the ST21 publication “The Golden Collection of Good Practices”.
The European Heritage Days, a joint initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Commission since 1999, are the most widely celebrated participatory and community-owned cultural events shared by people living in Europe. The pan-European nature of the programme contributes to bringing people together and highlighting the European dimension of cultural heritage in the 48 participating countries. Tens of thousands of events are organised each year in order to help raise awareness of the value of this common heritage and the need for its conservation for present and future generations.
The 2024 European Heritage Days (EHD) annual theme of "Routes, Networks and Connections" will offer an opportunity to draw attention to the ways in which our heritage is frequently a product of different influences and connected to other places and cultures. Although the SDG do not refer to culture and heritage comprehensively, Target 11.4 is very much aligned with the EHD approach to the role of heritage in addressing societal challenges in line with the Council of Europe’s approach to heritage. Safeguarding the culture and traditions of the people is crucial to their freedom, especially in the context of conflict and the challenges of large-scale migrations. Building on the previous themes of Heritage: All Inclusive in 2021, Sustainable Heritage in 2022 and Living Heritage in 2023, EHD communities will seek opportunities to recognise the importance of diversity and explore how peoples’ traditions and heritages are maintained and expressed as they move through the places where they live, work and play.
The Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (The Faro Convention)
The Faro Convention offers a framework to engage civil society in decision-making and management processes related to the cultural heritage environment in which different stakeholders operate and evolve. It was adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 13 October 2005 and opened for signature to member States in Faro (Portugal) on 27 October of the same year. It entered into force on 1 June 2011 and currently has 24 ratifications and 5 additional signatures.
A study entitled “Faro Convention and sustainable development” has been published as part of the book “The Faro Convention’s role in a changing society: building on a decade of advancement”, marking the 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the Faro Convention. The aim of the study is to show the contribution of the four principles of the Faro Convention to the UN 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Cultural property crimes are a danger to the preservation, legacy and sustainability of human culture. Each year, these crimes destroy thousands of artefacts, archaeological sites and monuments; they also cause irreparable damage to museums, galleries, public and private collections, as well as to religious buildings, thereby impoverishing humanity as a whole. To stop this phenomena and protect cultural property, the Council of Europe Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property is the only international treaty specifically criminalising the illicit trafficking, damage and destruction of cultural property.
The Convention, opened for signature in Nicosia, establishes a number of criminal offences, including theft; unlawful excavation, importation and exportation, illegal acquisition, placing on the market, falsification of documents and the destruction or damage of cultural property when committed intentionally.
The Nicosia Convention is open for signature to any country in the world and aims to foster international co-operation.
The 2017 Council of Europe Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property is the only international treaty specifically dealing with the criminalisation of the illicit trafficking of cultural property. It is open for signature to any country in the world and aims to foster international co-operation to fight the crimes that are destroying the world’s cultural heritage.
The work on natural and technological risks developed by the European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA) provides guidance to decision-makers to improve infrastructures and population resilience to disasters, taking into account in particular vulnerable groups (migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, people with disabilities, children, etc.). Member States are provided with common tools for developing disaster risk reduction, promoting the risk culture to increase awareness and resilience of populations, protect cultural heritage and environment, through an inclusive and participatory approach. The EUR-OPA programme of work is being developed and implemented in cooperation with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and the European Union.
The Council of Europe Development Bank’s (CEB) unique mandate, promoting social cohesion in Europe, makes it a natural partner for inclusive cities seeking to diversify their financing. The CEB finances investments that strengthen resilience and address vulnerability factors in communities of all sizes - from metropolitan areas to small towns and semi-rural areas.
The CEB will continue to contribute to sustainable and inclusive territorial development by co-financing the implementation of multi-sectoral investment plans in line with cities and regions’ development strategies. The CEB has been expanding its support for subnational authorities, with a particular focus on social cohesion in cities, and paying increased attention to resilience and environmental sustainability aspects, especially where social inequalities and exposure to environmental degradation and climate-related risks are mutually reinforcing. Some of the CEB loans aim to support cities’ urban regeneration efforts, as well as creating mixed inclusive neighbourhoods that contribute to the well-being of all, including migrants and refugees.
The Parliamentary Assembly, based on the report prepared by its Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination, adopted Resolution 2413 (2021) on Discrimination against Roma and Travellers in the field of housing. PACE Standing Committee has also adopted the report on Institutional racism of law enforcement authorities against Roma and Travellers.
PACE Standing Committee has also adopted the report on Institutional racism of law enforcement authorities against Roma and Travellers.
To ensure access to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services for Roma people, The Council of Europe/European Union Joint Programme Roma Integration III provides legal support for legalisation of Roma settlements and for obtaining ownership documents. Additionally, progress on legalization of informal settlements is encouraged to be included among the priorities of the central-level governments in close collaboration with the civil society in Western Balkans and Türkiye. This initiative includes identifying candidates for direct support for legalisation, preparing the necessary documentation for each case, such as geodetic, architectonic and various administrative documents, and covering other costs related to legalization, enabling access to ownership documents to at least 1.000 Roma families from the Western Balkans and Türkiye.
PACE Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media has also prepared two reports which deal with innovation and the role of cultural activities and cultural industries for local sustainable development and inclusion. Resolution 2270 (2019) on the value of cultural heritage in a democratic society and Resolution 2269 (2019) on safeguarding and enhancing intangible cultural heritage in Europe, both refer to the Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Faro Convention), which promotes a wider understanding of cultural heritage and its relationship to communities and society. In this text, the Assembly emphasises the importance of cultural heritage as it relates not only to the economies of regions and local communities but also to human rights and democracy.
The work done in the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development led to the adoption of Resolution 2285 (2019) on Sustainable urban development fostering social inclusion. In 2023, the Assembly adopted Resolution 2477 (2023) and Recommendation 2246 (2023) on “Environmental impact of armed conflicts” and Resolution 2493 (2023) and Recommendation 2251 (2023) on “Political strategies to prevent, prepare for, and face the consequences of natural disasters”.
The approach of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities is based on three key principles: achieving SDGs is the shared responsibility of all levels of government; local and regional authorities must have the necessary competences and financial autonomy to achieve the goals in their respective areas; citizens must always remain at the heart of the action.
The Congress seeks to support local public administrations in leading in a more informed manner, addressing the needs of their communities, and developing demand-driven and responsive policies.
The Congress adopted the following texts in relation to SDG 11:
- REC463 (2021) - Home sharing platforms: challenges and opportunities for municipalities
- REC455 (2021) and RES467 (2021) - Recurring issues based on assessments resulting from Congress monitoring of the European Charter of Local Self-Government and election observation missions (reference period 2017-2020)
- REC453 (2021) and RES466 (2021) - Ensuring respect of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in major crisis situations
- REC452 (2021) - The status of capital cities
- REC444 (2020) and RES455 (2020) - Local and regional elections in major crisis situations
- RES460 (2020) - A contemporary commentary by the Congress on the explanatory report to the European Charter of Local Self-Government
- RES452 (2019) - Revised Code of Good Practice for Civil Participation in the Decision-making Process
- REC406 (2017) - A better future for Europe’s rural areas
- REC392 (2016) and RES407 (2016) - Good governance in metropolitan areas
- RES385 (2015) - Fostering active citizenship by building partnerships with civil society
- RES384 (2015) - Guidelines for local and regional authorities on preventing radicalisation and manifestations of hate at the grassroots level
- RES339 (2012) - Making cities resilient
- REC253 (2008) and RES271 (2008) - The social reintegration of children living and working on the streets
- REC251 (2008) and RES269 (2008) - European Urban Charter II - Manifesto for a new urbanity
- REC241 (2008) and RES258 (2008) - Child in the city
- REC232 (2008) and RES249 (2008) - Biodiversity policies for urban areas
The following thematic activities of the Congress are particularly related to SDG 11:
- Preventing radicalisation and building inclusive societies
- Organising intercultural and interreligious activities
- Migration and integration
- Human Rights
Congress has issued the following SDG 11 relevant publications:
- Toolkit for organising intercultural and interreligious activities
- Management of Change: Tool Guide for Local and Regional Authorities
- Urban Charter II - Manifesto for a new urbanity
- Promoting human rights at local and regional level
*All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.