Retour Handbook on European data protection law 2018 is translated into Ukrainian

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

Ukrainian lawyers now have an opportunity to read the Handbook on European data protection law edition 2018 in Ukrainian.

The Handbook has been prepared by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), with the Council of Europe (together with the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights) and the European Data Protection Supervisor. 

The Joint Project “European Union and Council of Europe working together to strengthen the Ombudsperson’s capacity to protect human rights” has translated the Handbook into Ukrainian.

This handbook aims to raise awareness and improve knowledge of data protection rules, especially among non-specialist legal practitioners who have to deal with data protection issues in their work. It can be useful for lawyers, judges and other legal practitioners, as well as individuals working for other bodies, such as non-governmental organisations, who may be confronted with legal questions relating to data protection.

The handbook serves as a first point of reference on relevant EU law and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), as well as the CoE Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (Convention 108) and other CoE instruments. The handbook also provides a brief overview of the United Nations framework.

The handbook begins with a brief description of the role of the two legal systems as established by the ECHR and EU law (Chapter 1). Chapters 2 to 10 cover the following issues:

  • data protection terminology;
  • key principles of European data protection law;
  • rules of European data protection law;
  • independent supervision;
  • data subjects’ rights and their enforcement;
  • cross-border transfers and flows of personal data;
  • data protection in the context of police and criminal justice;
  • other European data protection rules in specific areas;
  • modern challenges in personal data protection.

Read full text in English here or in Ukranian here.

The Joint Project "EU and Council of Europe working together to strengthen the Ombudsperson’s capacity to protect human rights" is aimed at ensuring better protection of human rights in Ukraine and enhancing operational capacities of the Ombudsperson’s Office in particular in the area of ensuring the protection of the right to privacy and personal data. The project is funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe.

Kyiv 6 April 2021
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