Seminar "Universities as Promoters of Intercultural Dialogue in Multicultural Societies"
20-21 May 2010. Sochi. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Within the framework of the CoE project on ‘Promoting Intercultural Dialogue and Democratic Culture through Higher Education’, the Council of Europe together with the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia organised a seminar entitled ‘Universities as Promoters of Intercultural Dialogue in Multicultural Societies’.
Objective of the seminar
The seminar ‘Universities as Promoters of Intercultural Dialogue in Multicultural Societies’ followed up the conclusions and recommendations of the two previous seminars, putting them in the context of a particularly diverse and multi-cultural region of the Russian Federation.
The North Caucasus is an ethnically and linguistically very diverse region, including seven autonomous republics and two regions, with over 40 ethnic groups among its 13 mln population. Each of the republics is also a multi-national entity.
Autonomous republics count around 30 state higher education institutions, not including numerous non-governmental higher education institutions and affiliates of mostly Moscow and St.Petersburg –based universities. There is a growing interest in higher education, which is translated in an increase of students’ numbers (the average number of 179 students per 10 000 population is higher than average in the Russian Federation).
Intercultural dialogue in this diverse society is an everyday reality. How can higher education institutions infuse tolerance and intercultural understanding, what practical measures can be taken and are there examples of best practices in this area? These and other questions were at the forefront of the discussions throughout one and a half days of the seminar.
Powerpoints and text presentations
- Mr Germain Dondelinger (powerpoint presentation in English)
- Professor Vladimir Filippov (powerpoint presentation in English)
- Mr Barasby Karamurzov (Russian and English synopses, powerpoint presentation in English)
- Mr Michael Hörig (English version)
- Professor Alexander Gorbunov (Russian and English text versions)
- Professor Vladimir Shapovalov (Russian and English text versions)
- Professor Rashid Khunagov (Russian and English text versions)
- Mr Bastian Baumann (powerpoint presentation in English)
- Ms Dana Vorokova and Rostislav Gunba (Russian text version)
- Ms Eleonora Kamkiya and Svetlana Popkova (Russian text version)
- Mr Rysbekov, Rector of West Kazakhstan State University (Russian and English)
Reference documents
- The Council of Europe White paper on Intercultural Dialogue “Living Together as Equals in Dignity”, a key policy statement on the values of the Council of Europe adopted by the Committee of Ministers in May 2008;
- Final Report of the Conference: Universities as Actors of Intercultural Dialogue in Wider Society (Moscow, 2-3 June 2009).
- General report of the Seminar on “Intercultural Dialogue on the University Campus”, Strasbourg, 4-5 March 2008.
- Conclusions & recommendations of the invitational Forum on “Converging Competences: Diversity, Higher Education, and Sustainable Democracy”, coorganized with the US Steering Committee of the International Consortium for Higher Education, Civic Responsibility and Democracy, Strasbourg, 2-3 October 2008.
- Faro Declaration