Fourth Regional Seminar

“Faro Convention: from words to action”

Council of Europe - European Union Joint Project
“The Faro Way: enhanced participation in cultural heritage”

14-15 October 2021, Bucharest, Romania

(participation on invitation)

The Council of Europe, the National Institute of Heritage of Romania and the Romanian Ministry of Culture jointly organised a high-level meeting “Faro Convention: from words to action”, that take place on 14 and 15 October 2021 in Bucharest, Romania.

The event took place in a hybrid format (national participants gathering on spot and international participants joining online) and was the last of four regional seminars organised in the framework of the Council of Europe - European Union Joint project “The Faro Way: enhanced participation in cultural heritage”, aimed at promoting and disseminating the principles of the Council of Europe’s Faro Convention and encouraging its signature, ratification and implementation in member States.

It brought together representatives of Ministries in charge of culture and heritage from the Council of Europe and the European Union member States - with special focus on South-East Europe - , heritage communities and other local, regional and national stakeholders in culture and heritage fields.

As many of the invited countries have already ratified the Faro Convention, the meeting had a particular focus on sharing good practices from member States, as well as from heritage communities and civil society initiatives, on how the Convention principles are applied. The aim was to showcase these good examples and the added value for member States of implementing the Convention principles in the management of their cultural heritage.

Video message

Matjaž Gruden, Director of Democratic Participation, Council of Europe


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