  • Roma Youth Participation in Action
    Study on Roma youth participation: good practices, from the local to the European level
  • Mirrors – Manual on combating antigypsyism through human rights education
    The Mirrors manual is designed to empower young people to tackle individual and institutional racism against Roma, the manual provides educators, teachers, trainers and youth organisations with comprehensive educational activities for groups of all types; those with or without Roma participants, as well as mixed groups.
  • Barabaripen - Young Roma speak about discrimination
    An awareness-raising and educational tool on the topic of multiple discrimination. It includes life stories of nine young Roma affected by multiple discrimination across Europe; analysis of the mechanism of discrimination and strategies of young people use in oder to tack it; educational activities with young people using the life stored and background material.
  • Right to Remember - A Handbook for Education with Young People on the Roma Genocide -The publication is a self-contained educational resource for all those wishing to promote deeper awareness of the Roma Genocide and combat discrimination. Right to Remember includes educational activities, as well as ideas for commemoration events, and information about the Genocide and its relevance to the situation of the Roma people today. The second edition of the publication published in 2017 incorporates changes mainly into the introductory part of the handbook.
Activity reports
  • FERYP Study Session Report: Roma Women = Empowered Women
    Study session report organised by the Forum of European Roma Young People - FERYP
  • Rapport de la Première rencontre Jeunesse Rom et Gens du Voyage de France
    Report of the first meeting of Roma young people from France.
  • Tomorrow will be a better day… Participation of Roma young people in the neighbourhood and youth policy in Flanders 2014 - Research report
    A report outlining the results of an exploratory research where information was collected and a limited analysis is presented of the existing participation opportunities for Roma children and young people in neighborhood and policy in Flanders.
  • United for Dignity Conference report
    The report summarises the conference’s input, discussions and conclusions and is intended as a tool to explore multiple discrimination affecting Roma young people and the steps that need to be taken at different levels (local, national, international, institutional and in the civic society) to tackle it effectively. The United for Dignity conference was organised during 24 – 26 June at the European Youth Center Strasbourg.
  • Roma Youth, Building Bridges! study session report 2015
    Report of the study session organised by the Forum of European Roma Young People and United Societies of Balkans
Roma Youth Conference 2011 Documentation

Almost 10 minutes video created during the Roma Youth Conferences held at the European Youth Center Strasbourg during 26-30 September 2011. Many opinions and reflections are shared from young Roma living across Europe.

  • Roma Youth Participation and Inclusion in Standards, Policies, and Programmes in Europe

    Roma Youth Participation and Inclusion in Standards, Policies, and Programmes in Europe is a research project undertaken by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. Research aims to identify, outline, and reflect on Roma and youth related standards, policies, and programmes at the national and European levels in view of identifying key strengths, gaps, and strategic ways forward regarding Roma youth participation. The research served both the Task Force and the Youth Department of the Council of Europe to formulate arguments and suggestions to the Joint Council on Youth (CMJ) in view of preparing a Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers on Roma youth participation in member states (the Recommendation). The study strengthens need and evidence-based approaches for youth policy interventions. The research was conducted by Margareta Matache.

  • Study on the results and impact of the Roma Youth Action Plan (2016-2019)
    Study on the results and impact of the Roma Youth Action Plan (2016-2019) provides an overview of the activities organised during 2016 and 2019 under the umbrella of the Roma Youth Action Plan programme. The main purpose of this study is to compile the achievements and challenges of the programme over the last four years in order to inform future Roma youth programmes which may be assisted or sponsored by the Council of Europe. The section on Methodology includes a detailed account of the priority areas that the Council of Europe requested to be specifically addressed in this report. The study was conducted by Dr. Mayte Martin and Lisa Rose.

  • Roma Youth Action Plan brochure 2014
    This brochure includes the description of the Roma Youth Action Plan and the plan of activities for 2014, as well as a short description of the activities undertaken during 2013.

  • Roma Youth Action Plan brochure 2013
    This brochure includes the description of the Roma Youth Action Plan and the plan of activities in 2012 and 2013, as well as a description of one key activity, the training course for Roma youth leaders and activists for promoting human rights and taking action against discrimination.

  • Roma Youth Action Plan 2013
    Description of the Roma Youth Action Plan from February 2013 based on the guidelines developed by participants at the first Roma Youth Conference in Strasbourg together with the plan of activities in 2012 and 2013.

  • Guidelines for a European Roma Youth Action Plan: English, Romani
    The Guidelines for European Roma Youth Action Plan were a result of the first Roma Youth Conference organised by the Council of Europe in September 2016. The document presents the results and proposals of the conference participants and reflect the aspirations of Roma youth representatives and organisations.
Other useful resources

  • Domino - activities for campaigning