Roma youth conference 2015

The second Roma youth conference organised by the Council of Europe was held during 19 – 22 October in Budapest and gathered 110 participants from 30 European countries, out of which around 80 Roma youth leaders and members of Roma youth organisations and 30 institutional representatives.

The Conference took stock and draw lessons from the last four years of the implementation of the Roma Youth Action Plan and has provided an opportunity to revise the content and orientations of the Roma youth agenda, specifically also for the future of the Roma Youth Action Plan. Among other, it has associated new partners with the “double mainstreaming” processes of Roma youth matters.

Many international organisations and institutions have more explicitly affirmed their interest in making Roma youth as priority of their agendas.



Roma Youth Conference 2011

In September 2011, as a follow-up to the Strasbourg Declaration, the Youth Department invited more than 60 Roma youth leaders to a conference in Strasbourg to discuss a ‘Roma youth action plan’.

The Conference was organised in close co-operation with European Roma youth networks and other stakeholders and was a response to the realisation that the concerns of young Roma were insufficiently addressed in policies concerning Roma.

The participants in the conference exchanged experiences and built upon previous results for a common identification of current challenges for Roma young people and priorities for European youth work and youth policy.


Conference on the specific situation of Roma young people affected by multiple discrimination

Within the framework of the Roma Youth Action Plan, the Youth Department of the Council of Europe organised on 24 – 26 June 2014, in Strasbourg, the conference ‘United for Dignity’ on the specific situation of Roma young people affected by multiple discrimination. Roma activists, LGBT and women’s organisations and members of a Roma rap band were among the 50 participants at the conference, which aimed to tackle the multiple discrimination faced by Roma young people across Europe.

The conference was intended as a forum to raise awareness of and to explore and formulate responses to situations of multiple discrimination affecting young Roma. The focus of the event was to make links with Roma and non-Roma organisations and institutions to tackle multiple discrimination. The conference explored on issues of multiple discrimination of young Roma people from the perspectives of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, etc.

The conference was the continuation of the work of the Youth Department on researching and understanding issues related to multiple discrimination of young Roma people. During the conference, the results of a research project on life stories of young Roma people facing discrimination were presented.

United for Dignity Conference report >>