Back Next hearings of the Administrative Tribunal (19 December 2013 and 30 January 2014)

Strasbourg 06.12.2013
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Next hearings of the Administrative Tribunal (19 December 2013 and 30 January 2014)

The public hearings initially scheduled on Thursday 12 December 2013 before the Administrative Tribunal will be held on Thursday 19 December 2013 at 9.30 a.m. in appeal No. 541/2013 (refusal to apply Article 24, paragraph 2, of Staff Regulations to the President of the Staff Committee), and on Thursday 30 January 2014 in appeal No. 540/2013 (granting of steps to a staff member).

On 19 December the hearing will be chaired by Mr Giorgio MALINVERNI, Deputy Chair of the Tribunal.