Albanian institutions supported in harmonisation of national practices on property compensation

17 September 2024 Tirana, Albania

The Agency for the Treatment of Property (ATP), the Supreme Court of Albania, and the State Advocate’s Office have joined efforts to strengthen cooperation and unify administrative and judicial practices in Albania. Their key representatives convened in Tirana for a meeting organised with the...

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GREVIO: Progress in efforts to stop violence against women, but “significant gaps” remain, among findings in new thematic report

17 September 2024 Strasbourg

The Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO), which is responsible for monitoring implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention), welcomes...

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Joint exercise confirms EDURES as a successful and innovative tool

4-6 September 2024 Verona, Italy

The Council of Europe’s approach to education in times of emergencies and crisis aims to strengthen the role of education for community resilience through the six principles for building resilient education ecosystems. The "Education in times of emergencies and crisis toolkit - EDURES" promotes a...

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Council of Europe Recommendation on countering the use of SLAPPs, available in Albanian

26 August 2024

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted on 5 April 2024, the Recommendation CM/Rec(2024)2 on countering the use of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs). The Committee of Ministers urged the member States to devise comprehensive and effective strategies to...

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New Guide on the Albanian Constitutional Court's jurisprudence on property rights for legal professionals is published

29 July 2024 Albania

The latest resource material for legal professionals, on the case-law of the Albanian Constitutional Court regarding property rights, is now available in Albanian. This guide aims to enhance the understanding and implementation of property rights in Albania, aligning with the standards set by the...

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Inspiring visit to the Council of Europe institutions of wining mock trial students from Albania and North Macedonia

17 July 2024 Strasbourg

Nine students and their mentor from the University of Southeast Europe in North Macedonia and ‘Aleksandër Xhuvani’ University in Elbasan, Albania, winners of a Regional Moot Court competition, embarked on a study visit to the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) on 17...

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EDURES first workshops in Albania: Contextualising educational resilience

4-5 July 2024 Durrës and Tirana

Following the official launch of the pilot exercise, an EDURES Enlarged Working Group, composed of the relevant stakeholders at local and national level, met in Durrës and Tirana on 4-5 July to contextualise the EDURES toolkit for the Albanian context. These workshops, which brought together...

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Albanian prison service to equip apply incident protocol for prisoners with mental health disorders

3-4 July 2024 Tirana, Albania

The European Union and the Council of Europe are assisting the Albanian prison service to further improve the treatment and protection of prisoners’ rights, by developing a unified guidance related to the reaction of prison staff to incidents that involve prisoners with mental health disorders....

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Education in times of emergencies and crisis: EDURES piloting officially launched in Albania

4 July 2024 Tirana, Albania

On 3 July, a piloting of the Council of Europe’s toolkit on Education in times of emergencies and crises that was developed to support the implementation of the Resolution adopted by the Council of Europe Standing Conference of the European Ministers responsible for Education in September 2023,...

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Addressing racism and racial discrimination in the context of the EU accession process in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership region

3-4 July 2024 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe in Strasbourg welcomed during 3-4 July a two-day conference, focusing on tackling racism and racial discrimination in the context of the EU accession process. The conference, supported by EU and Council of Europe titled "Addressing racism and racial discrimination in the...

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