Building capacity in freedom of expression standards for Albanian courts

15 June 2024 Tirana, Albania

The European Union and the Council of Europe, in collaboration with the Albanian School of Magistrates and the Bar Association, continue to build the capacities of Albanian judges, prosecutors, and lawyers on freedom of expression. The first in a series of training sessions planned for the next...

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Strengthening media engagement and freedom of expression: Albanian media magistrates raise their capacities

28 May 2024 Pogradec, Albania

Albanian prosecutors and judges who serve as media magistrates in their judicial institutions participated in a two-day intensive training aimed at enhancing their understanding of freedom of expression standards and improving their media communication skills. This capacity building activity,...

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Albanian institutions commit to bring forward protection of freedom of expression and the media, in line with European standards

21 May 2024 Tirana, Albania

The second Steering Committee meeting of the EU and Council of Europe action on "Protecting Freedom of Expression and of the Media in Albania" (PRO-FREX-A), was held in Tirana to discuss with key stakeholders the current progress, and set main objectives for the upcoming year. The PRO-FREX-A...

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Young generations of journalists learn about countering hate speech in media

8 May 2024 Tirana, Albania

The University of Tirana’s Faculty of History and Philology hosted an open lecture with focus on hate speech, gathering journalism students and experts to discuss about combating hate speech, especially in the media. Organised by the No Hate Alliance, with the support of EU and Council of Europe,...

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Raising capacities of local training institutions on freedom of expression and safety of journalists

15 December 2023 Pogradec, Albania

Fifteen law enforcement instructors and ten prosecutors underwent a two-day intensive training of trainers on topics of European standards on freedom of expression, hate speech, and safety and protection of journalists accompanied by case-law analysis of the European Court of Human Rights...

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‘Guide to Article 10 for legal professionals' on upholding European standards on freedom of expression, available in Albanian

13 November 2023 Tirana, Albania

The latest resource material for legal professionals, "Guide to Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights—Freedom of Expression" is now available in Albanian. It is part of the Case-Law Guides’ series, published by the European Court of Human Rights to assist legal professionals in...

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Albanian authorities renew commitment to promote freedom of expression and the media

17 May 2023 Tirana, Albania

Albanian public authorities expressed their commitment to collaborate and advance their institutional agendas in an effort to improve the environment of freedom of expression (FoE) and the media in the country. Representatives from key beneficiaries and relevant partner institutions ensured to...

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Albanian law enforcement representatives trained on the standards of freedom of expression: safety and protection of journalists

3-4 November 2022 Pogradec, Albania

Nineteen law enforcement instructors of pre and in-service training participated in a crash course of Council of Europe standards, freedom of expression, safety and protection of journalists. A senior Council of Europe expert introduced the participants with the related standards stemming from...

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The achievements of regional co-operation on freedom of expression and freedom of the media discussed in Montenegro

20 October 2022 Budva, Montenegro

The Closing Conference of the joint European Union and Council of Europe action “Freedom of expression and freedom of the media in South-East Europe (JUFREX)” has brought together the main partners and beneficiaries of the action. It was attended by representatives of legal professions and their...

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An analysis on Albanian judiciary’s case law on freedom of expression launched in Tirana

14 October 2022 Tirana, Albania

A study analysing the caselaw of the Albanian judiciary on the freedom of expression and freedom of the media from the standards of the European Convention of Human Rights was launched today in Tirana. Prepared by Respublica centre, with the support of the joint European Union and Council of...

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