Back Training for teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina held online

On 23 June 2020 the Horizontal Facility II action Quality Education for All in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized an online training for 41 teachers, school directors and pupils from pilot schools across BiH including from Čapljina, Derventa, Goražde, Ljubuški, Mostar, Prijedor, Trebinje, Zenica and Zvornik.

The aim of the training was to provide an overview of the Council of Europe’s Reference framework of competences for democratic culture, its methodology, significance and practical ways in which the competences can be used to develop and enhance democratic school culture. Participants attending the webinar were provided in advance with access to video materials produced within the project. The videos address key points regarding the CDC Framework including attitudes, values, skills and knowledge. 

In the follow-up session to take place on 30 June 2020, participants will further discuss different ways and exemplary practices of implementing the CDC in their schools and local communities with the goal of improving the quality of education, understanding and co-operation.

The action “Quality Education for All” in Bosnia and Herzegovina is implemented under the joint European Union / Council of Europe Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022, aiming to foster a quality education for all by promoting inclusion and solutions to address discrimination in the education system.

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“Quality education for all” is an action on education implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the framework of the second phase of the “European Union - Council of Europe Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey (HF)”. The Horizontal Facility supports justice reform, the fight against corruption and money laundering and combating discrimination and protecting the rights of vulnerable groups, and covers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia as well as Kosovo.

The purpose of the Project is to foster a quality education for all by promoting inclusion and solutions to address discrimination in the education system and in this way contribute to an inclusive, peaceful and democratic society with engaged citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In particular, it aims to promote the benefits of multi-ethnic and democratic school for quality education through strengthening capacities of pilot schools to promote democratic school culture.

It builds upon the results achieved during the implementation of the previous Action (HF-38 “Quality Education in Multi-ethnic Societies”) and supports effective implementation of the policy roadmap developed jointly by relevant ministries at state level, entity ministries of education and 10 cantonal ministries of education in April 2019. It is built along three main lines of action:

(1) Enhancing common understanding among relevant authorities and educators of how to develop democratic school culture.

(2) Targeted capacity building of main providers (Ministries of Education, Pedagogical Institutes and CSOs) including by supporting more structured and continuous coordination, and

(3) Awareness-raising of school directors, teachers, students, parents, civil servants and public at large on the benefits of a multi-ethnic and democratic school for quality education.

The main partners of the project are the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, all relevant entity and cantonal ministries of education.

The project is implemented throughout a period of 36 months (23 May 2019 – 23 May 2022).


* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.