In 2010, in the context of the CDDH’s ad hoc terms of reference to consider relevant parts of the Interlaken Declaration, the Committee of experts on a simplified procedure for amendment of certain provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights (DH-PS), had specific terms of reference, under the authority of the CDDH, to “examine in depth proposals for making it possible to simplify the amendment of the Convention’s provisions, with such a procedure to be introduced by means of an amending Protocol to the Convention”. The DH-PS held four meetings between autumn 2010 and spring 2012.

This work has led to the adoption, by the CDDH, of a final report under which: « whilst there is a considerable degree of agreement on the potential advantages of introducing a simplified amendment procedure and on many key legal and technical aspects, the CDDH has come to the conclusion that in the present circumstances, it would not be opportune to proceed now to the elaboration of a draft protocol introducing such a procedure » – that the Committee of Ministers has taken note of on 14 November 2012.

meeting documents
4th meeting Strasbourg, 14-16 May 2012
3rd meeting Strasbourg, 19-21 October 2011
2nd meeting Strasbourg, 9-11 March 2011
1st meeting Strasbourg, 6-8 October 2010