Garden policy: LUXEMBOURG

 Institution(s) in charge


 Other actors

There is no provision with respect to historic gardens.  


 Relevant legislation

Law of 18 July 1983 on the conservation and protection of sites and monuments

Mémorial A n° 62 de 1983 - Loi du 18 juillet 1983 concernant la conservation et la protection des sites et monuments


 Protection measures

The number of gardens protected is in total 18, with 13 classified as national monuments and 5 included in the supplementary inventory.

Almost all are owned either by the state or by a private association. 


 Existing inventories

No inventory exists so far. Even though some of them have been granted protected status in their own right, all the parks and gardens protected in Belgium are part of protected architectural complexes (châteaux and abbey). The extensive historic parks and gardens situated within the city of Luxembourg are protected at local rather than national level and are maintained by the city’s parks department.


 Online information 


 Specialised training

There are no specific training courses in Luxembourg.


 Awareness-raising actions

There are no events specifically devoted to historic gardens although a few activities are organised to mark European Heritage Days. 


 Terminology tools

