Garden policy: BELGIUM - Brussels

 Institution(s) in charge

Public bodies:

  • Bruxelles Environnement
    Bruxelles Environnement, Site de Tour & Taxis, Avenue du Port 86C / 3000 à 1000 Brussels
  • Direction des Monuments et Sites
    Service public régional de Bruxelles, Bruxelles Développement urbain (formerly AATL), Direction des Monuments et Sites, CCN Gare du Nord, Rue du Progrès, 80, boîte 1 à 1035 Brussels, Tel: + 32 (0)2 204 25 75

Private organisations: 

  • Open Tuinen van België / Jardins Ouverts de Belgique, (non-profit-making association)
    196 private gardens (7 of them in the Brussels-Capital Region) open between the beginning of April and the end of November to the 4,640 visitors who have purchased the latest edition of the guide.



 Other actors

  • René Pechère library
    Bibliothèque René Pechère-CRBDUAP asbl , Rue de l'Ermitage, 55, B-1050 Brussels
    The René Pechère library (the “BRP”) is part of the semi-public foundation “Nouveau CIVA” which, besides the BRP, includes Le Centre Paul Duvignaux, La Fondation pour l’Architecture and Les Archives d’Architecture Moderne.


 Relevant legislation


 Protection measures


 Existing inventories


 Online information


 Specialised training

Other opportunities for specialised training:


 Awareness-raising actions

  • Jardins en fête (25 September 2016), Heritage Days
    It is a regional event open to all interested members of the public.
    Among the properties open to the public there are always several privately-owned gardens and parks (16 and 17 September 2016), the Promenade Verte (“Green Walk”) (ranges in length from 5 to 12 km) showing different facets of the landscape in the Brussels Region


 Terminology tools

