LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender/transsexual people. However, it is recognised that those four letters do not necessarily include all those whose sexuality is not heterosexual, or whose gender identity is not based on a traditional gender binary.

The ‘+’ symbol that is therefore used to include people whose identities do not fit typical binary notions of male and female, or who decide to identify themselves using other categories to describe their gender identity or their own understanding of their sexuality. This will include, for example, people who identify themselves as queer (a general term describing people not fitting into existing norms), questioning (people who explore their sexual orientation or/and gender identity), or pansexual (people who are attracted to all sexes and genders). It should be remembered, however, that some people may not want to identify themselves with any existing category.

59 Lentin, A. (2004). ‘The problem of culture and human rights in the response to racism’, in Titley, G. (Ed.) Resituating Culture. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. For a full discussion see Lentin, A. (2004). Racism and Anti-Racism in Europe. London: Pluto Press.

60 Excerpted from LAMBDA Gay and Lesbian Anti Violence Project (El Paso).

61 Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity

62 Resolution 2048 (2015) Discrimination against transgender people in Europe

63 Read more about the Yogyakarta Principles