Back Implementing social rights: lessons learnt - First dialogue between the European Committee of Social Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Implementing social rights: lessons learnt - First dialogue between the European Committee of Social Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

The Department of the European Social Charter is organising, together with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain and the Diplomatic School of Madrid, a conference on 3-4 October in Madrid to broader the discussion between the European Committee of Social Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in order to improve the respect for social rights in States Parties.

In particular, the conference aims at creating a forum for exchange of case law on social rights between the two bodies, at ensuring compliance with international legal instruments promoting and protecting fundamental social rights and at guarantying legal follow up by States Parties of the decisions taken by the two bodies. Finally, the conference aims at promoting larger acceptance of international social rights instruments. The role of social partners and civil society and their collaboration with the political leadership will also be examined.

The conference will also be an opportunity to speak about the ratification of the Revised Social Charter and the collective complaints procedure by Spain. In 2017 a declaratory resolution was approved unanimously by all political parties in the Spanish Congress (Parliament’s lower chamber), calling on the Government to take the necessary steps to ratify both the Revised European Social Charter and the Additional Protocol providing for a system of Collective Complaints. In February 2019, the Spanish Government set in motion the process of ratification of the Revised Charter and acceptance of all its provisions. The process has been put on hold as a result of the dissolution of the Spanish Parliament and the calling of early elections.

The conference will be held in the premises of the Diplomatic School (Escuela Diplomática) in Madrid, Spain.

Madrid, Spain 3-4/10/2019
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Department of Social Rights

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Council of Europe
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