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New complaints registered concerning France

Syndicat CFDT général des transports et de l’environnement de l'Aube v. France, Complaint No. 181/2019 (French only - translation in progress)

Syndicat CFDT de la Métallurgie de la Meuse v. France, Complaint No. 182/2019 (French only - translation in progress)

Syndicat CGT YTO France v. France, Complaint No. 183/2019 (French only - translation in progress)

Syndicat CGT FORD Blanquefort v. France, Complaint No. 184/2019 (French only - translation in progress)

The complaints were registered on 20 May 2019. They concern Articles 2 (the right to just conditions of work), 24 (the right to protection in case of dismissal), 25 (the right of workers to the protection of their claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer) and 29 (the right to information and consultation in collective redundancy procedures) of the Revised European Social Charter. The complainant trade unions allege that the French Labour Code as amended by Ordinance No. 2017-1387 of 22 September 2017, and more particularly the provisions of Articles L. 1233-2, L. 1233-4, L. 1233-4, L. 3133-1, L. 3133-3, L. 3133-4, L. 3133-5, L. 3253-8, L. 3253-9, L. 3253-10, L. 3253-14, L. 3253-17 and D 3253-5 of the Labour Code are in violation of the above-mentioned provisions of the Charter.

Strasbourg 29/05/2019
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