Back New complaint registered concerning Italy

New complaint registered concerning Italy

The complaint was registered on 4 August 2021. It concerns Articles 1§2 (the right to work), 4§4 (the right to a fair remuneration), 6§4 (the right to bargain collectively) and 10 (the right to vocational training) as well as Article E (non-discrimination) in conjunction with each of the relevant provisions of the revised European Social Charter. The Comitato Nazionale Quadri Direttivi della Pubblica Amministrazione (CO.N.QUA.DIR - P.A.) and the Cassa Mutua Nazionale tra i Cancellieri e Segretari Giudiziari allege that the privatisation of the public service, initiated by Legislative Decree 29/93 and subsequent legislation, has redefined a job classification system which has deprived several hundred managerial staff in high level positions of any possibility of professional advancement in breach of the above-mentioned provisions of the Charter.

Comitato Nazionale Quadri Direttivi della Pubblica Amministrazione (CO.N.QUA.DIR - P.A.) and Cassa Mutua Nazionale tra i Cancellieri e Segretari Giudiziari v. Italy, Complaint No. 202/2021 (original in Italian - translation in progress)

Strasbourg 02/09/2021
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