Back 320th session of the European Committee of Social Rights

320th session of the European Committee of Social Rights

The European Committee of Social Rights will hold its 320th session from 17 to 21 May 2021 entirely by videoconference.

The Committee will continue the examination of the national reports* for Conclusions XXII-2 (2021) of the 1961 Charter and for Conclusions 2021 of the revised Charter with respect to the provisions belonging to thematic group 2 “health, social security and social protection”. The Committee will also examine several pending collective complaints.

The Committee will also take stock of the situation related to the procedure provided for by Article 22 of the European Social Charter on “non-accepted provisions”. Due to the situation related to COVID-19 and uncertainties regarding travel restrictions, it was suggested to replace, where possible and in agreement with national authorities, meetings with written reports.

Furthermore, the Committee will hold an exchange of views with the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, on Monday 17 May. The exchange of views will be an opportunity to discuss general issues of cooperation and synergy between the European Committee of Social Rights and the Commissioner.

* All the national reports submitted by States Parties to both 1961 Charter and the Revised Charter can be found on the counrty profiles web pages. 

Strasbourg, France 17-21/05/2021
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