Recognition of qualifications
Taking account of previous experiences of the Council of Europe and the ENIC-NARIC network, the issue of the recognition of qualifications is the third priority of action. In particular, this action would touch upon the problems of accreditation and diploma mills.
The aim of the project would be to establish concrete tools such as checklists and screenings to help measure the level of integrity of an institution. Cooperation with the ENIC from the USA and Canada would be stepped up, as much work has already been done by these institutions with regard to legislation on non-recognised qualifications. A link with the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) would also be established. A legal instrument/subsidiary text to the Lisbon Recognition Convention could be envisaged enabling the establishment of a database with a list of criteria that students should look for when checking qualifications proposed by an institution.
Main expected outcomes:
- Exchanges of information on recognised qualifications are promoted;
- Checklists on information to be checked by students are established;
- Policy recommendations for governments, establishing the responsibility of public authorities to provide information on recognition, are drafted
Target groups
The main target groups for this priority action would be policy makers and students.