Further to the clear political commitment made by the European Ministers of Education at the Helsinki Ministerial Conference in April 2013, the Council of Europe launched its Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education, ETINED.
ETINED is a network of specialists representing the 50 States Parties to the European Cultural Convention, which carries out initiatives at European, regional and national level to take effective action against corruption and encourage all the relevant stakeholders in society to commit fully to a set of fundamental ethical principles for public and professional life.This publication reflects the discussions held at the 7th Session of the Prague Forum and provides strong evidence of the drive in Europe to promote high quality, corruption-free education based on common ethical principles. Offering many national examples and good practice in this area, it also raises several issues relating to the ethical behaviour of all education players, academic integrity and plagiarism, and the problem of the recognition of qualifications obtained by distance and online learning. It also covers how ETINED came into being, how it has developed and how it is applied in various countries.
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There is today general recognition of the adverse effects of unethical behaviour in the field of education at all levels and in all countries. While the main stakeholders agree on the need to combat corruption in education, there are diverging. What are the ethical principles on which education policy in Europe today should be based? How can we achieve genuine ethics, transparency and integrity in schools and universities? What approach should be adopted to counter the various forms of corruption that affect the education sector at various levels? This publication attempts to answer these questions, setting out the 14 ethical principles for education put forward by the Council of Europe Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education (ETINED), along with how they were developed and where they can be applied.
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Based on detailed research in various publications, studies, codes of conduct and standards, this volume is intended as a guide to understanding the principles to be applied by education players to promote ethical behaviour, transparency and integrity in education. Citing the 14 ethical principles selected by the ETINED platform, this volume shows how they can be applied in respect of eight groups of layers ranging from teachers, parents, education system employers and managers right up to policy makers. This publication is the third volume in the ETINED series and illustrates, through practical examples, the ethical principles set out in Volume 2.
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Based on the ethical principles identified in previous volumes of the ETINED series, this study provides an overview of the current situation in Europe regarding the use, implementation and impact of codes of conduct for school teachers. It proposes an in-depth analysis of the content, policy framework, dissemination and impact of selected codes of conduct from several countries. The study assesses gaps and challenges but also proposes examples of good practice with a view to identifying guidelines and recommendations on ethical principles in education to be followed at European level. The aim of the ETINED platform is to contribute to the development of a culture of democracy and participation, based on ethics, transparency and integrity. It defends the idea that quality education can only be achieved, and corruption effectively curbed, if all relevant sectors of society commit fully to fundamental ethical principles for public and professional, life, rather than relying exclusively upon top-down, methodical regulatory measures. Corruption must be fought through legal norms and structures, but that is not enough. It must also be considered unacceptable by all stakeholders and the public at large.
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The fifth volume of the ETINED Series, this study focuses on academic integrity in higher education in six countries of South-Eastern Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”.
Through on-the-spot interviews with teachers and students, questionnaires, surveys and integrity assessment, it gives an overview of policies and practices used in several institutions in the region. The results provide recommendations, examples of good practice and guidelines for policy makers and education professionals, with a specific focus on plagiarism and cheating in examinations.
This work is published as part of the Council of Europe ETINED platform, which aims to foster the exchange of information and promote best practices on ethics, transparency and integrity in education. ETINED defends the idea that quality education can only be achieved, and corruption effectively curbed, if all relevant sectors of society commit fully to fundamental ethical principles for public and professional life.
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Academic integrity is a fundamental pillar of quality education. The Council of Europe has commissioned several projects aimed at investigating national and institutional strategies, policies and procedures related to academic integrity. These policies should be designed to deal with various forms of academic misconduct (such as plagiarism) and to promote the positive values of academic integrity.
The Project on Academic Integrity in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Turkey (PAICKT) was based on previous research conducted in the European Union and South-East Europe and explored the overall situation regarding academic integrity in the five target countries. This report provides an analysis of the recent situation in the educational system of each of the project countries. It indicates strengths and weaknesses, identifies examples of good practice and provides recommendations for action that can be taken at both national and institutional levels.
This publication will be useful for policy makers at various levels, not limited to those in the five countries that were part of the project. It is anticipated that the examples of good practice, which are largely transferrable to other countries, will inspire other institutions and countries to take action to enhance academic integrity.
Available in English
This compendium provides a thorough review of the background, process, and results of the Council of Europe’s Best Practices Programme in Promoting Academic Integrity (CoE-BPP) launched in 2021.
The aim of the Programme is to identify the best practices that European higher education institutions are implementing to combat academic corruption. The compendium serves to share these best practices to encourage and inspire all European higher education institutions to work towards building cultures of academic integrity through improving teaching and learning, ensuring viable and relevant policies for guiding integrity behaviours and procedures for responding to integrity breaches, enhancing communications about academic integrity, implementing sound governance structures for supporting academic integrity, and training community members in how to choose integrity over misconduct. Given that the 2021 Call for Best Practices was issued during the global COVID-19 pandemic, there was a particular interest in identifying best practices implemented to tackle the specific challenges that remote teaching, learning and research presented for academic integrity.
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In July 2022, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)18 aimed at assisting its member states in combating fraud in the field of education. The recommendation followed four years of work in the framework of the ETINED platform of the Council of Europe on ethics, integrity and transparency in education, and addresses the need for a common European approach in this field. This new international standard is structured in four dimensions: prevention, prosecution, international co-operation and monitoring. The text makes six main recommendations to member states of the Council of Europe:
► to promote high-quality education by eliminating education fraud;
► to protect pupils, students, researchers and staff at all levels of education from organisations and individuals engaged in selling (and advertising) fraudulent services;
► to provide support for the implementation of preventive and protective measures, as well as a culture of equality of opportunity at all levels and in all sectors of education and training, and in the transition between these sectors;
► to monitor technological developments that could support new forms of fraud;
► to facilitate international co-operation in the field;
► to support wide dissemination of the recommendation. The research studies in this book analyse the situation in countering education fraud in some member states at the time when the recommendation was adopted and give suggestions for consistent implementation of it in the future.
Available in English
This glossary has been prepared within the framework of the Council of Europe Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education (ETINED). Based on Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)18 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on countering education fraud, the glossary includes 135 definitions which aim to provide clarity on 76 key terms related to ethics and integrity in education.
Methodologically, the glossary integrates terms from various Council of Europe recommendations, spanning from 1998 to 2022, along with insights from reputable glossaries. Terms such as ethics, transparency and integrity are meticulously explained, with attention being paid to differences in interpretation in order to aid understanding in diverse educational contexts. Readers are also encouraged to explore related glossaries for a broader understanding of nuanced concepts.
For users, including stakeholders engaged in promoting ethics across educational levels, this glossary offers invaluable insights. It not only defines terms but also highlights their potential implications and provides additional explanations, thereby enhancing comprehension and applicability, and encouraging informed discourse as well as action within educational communities.
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