The principles:

  • Connection to a community and territory determines a sense of belonging;
  • Social cohesion is founded on various levels of cooperation and commitment;
  • Democracy is practised by engagement of civil society in dialogue and action, through shared responsibilities based on capacities. 


The criteria:


  • Presence of an active civil society (heritage community) that has a common interest in a specific heritage;
  • Presence of people who can convey the message (facilitators);
  • Engaged and supportive political players in the public sector (local, regional, national institutes and authorities);
  • Engaged and supportive stakeholders in the private sector (businesses, non-profit entities, academia, CSOs, NGOs, etc.).


  • Consensus on an expanded common vision of heritage;
  • Willingness of all stakeholders to cooperate (local authorities and civil society);
  • A defined common interest of a heritage-led action;
  • Commitment and capacity for resource mobilisation.


  • Readiness of the group to engage in the process of developing diverse narratives based on the people and places;
  • Aspirations towards a more democratic socio-economic model;
  • Commitment to human rights principles in local development processes (respect for dignity and multiple identities);
  • Improved democratic participation and social inclusion of all inhabitants.