Films and interviews realised during the Marseilles Forum
Films and interviews realised during the Marseilles Forum on the social value of heritage and the value of heritage for society (12-13 September 2013)
Marseilles Forum - Short version
Marseilles Forum - Long version
Mr Willem Derde
Director, Ename Center for Public Archaelogy and Heritage Presentation
Mr Nicos Nicolaides
Member of Cyprus Parliament, Chairman of the Sub Committee on Culture, Diversity and Heritage, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Mr Vincenzo De Nito
Architect, Managing urbanistic historic center and common islands of Venice, Contarini Moncenigo palace, Italy
Mr Alfredas Jomantas
Head of Division, Department of cultural heritage, Ministry of Culture, Lithuania
Dr. Amund Sinding-Larsen
ICOMOS, Cultural Heritage and Human Rights, Norway
Mr Luis Filipe Castro Mendes
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Portugal to the Council of Europe
Ms Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines
Deputy, European Parliament
Ms Bozena Krizikova
General Director, International cooperation section, Ministry of Culture, Slovak Republic
Dr. Jelka Pirkovic
Director General, Institute for the protection of cultural heritage, Slovenia
Mr Almir Sahovic
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Council of Europe
Mr Denis Ricard
Secretary General, Organisation of the World Heritage Cities
Ms Saracevic-Würth
Head of sector for the protection of cultural heritage, Directorate for the protection of cultural heritage, Ministry of Culture, Croatia