Crime and terrorism
The fight against crime and terrorism is pursued through the development of standard-setting, providing technical and analytical advice, gathering information, conducting thematic events and advising the Committee of Ministers.
European Committee on Crime Problems – CDPC
The CDPC identifies priority elements for intergovernmental legal co-operation and proposes areas for action on criminal law, procedure, criminology and penology by developing standard setting, providing scientific advice, collecting information and advising the Committee of Ministers.
Focus 2022-2025
Protection of environment through criminal law; protecting victims of crime; criminal liability related to the use of artificial intelligence; protection of witnesses; combating hate crime; fighting smuggling of migrants; prison and probation services; international co-operation in criminal matters.
Civil society involvement
- Participant: Conference of INGOs (CINGO)
- Observers
- Consultation with civil society, either through direct participation in meetings, or through dedicated hearings or written consultations
Council of Europe Committee on Counter-terrorism – CDCT
The CDPT identifies priority issues for intergovernmental legal co-operation and proposes areas for action in the field of counter-terrorism by developing standard setting, providing technical and analytical advice, collecting information and advising the Committee of Ministers.
Focus 2022-2025
Emerging terrorists threats; risk assessment of individuals indicted and convicted for terrorist offences; prevention of radicalisation leading to terrorism; gathering e-evidence in terrorism-related cases; bioterrorism; definition of terrorism
Civil society involvement
- Observers
- Consultation with civil society, either through direct participation in meetings, or through dedicated hearings or written consultations