Protecting children affected by the refugee crisis from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse

In March 2016, the Council of Europe Secretary General called for a series of priority actions to protect children affected by the refugee crisis. In this context, the Lanzarote Committee decided to conduct an urgent monitoring round according to Rule 28 of its Rules of Procedure to assess how Parties to the Lanzarote Convention are protecting children affected by the refugee crisis from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. The Committee adopted a special implementation report on 3 March 2017, in which it analyses the legal frameworks and practices of States in this regard and makes recommendations to further strengthen them and fill any possible gaps.

41 States were evaluated as part of the urgent monitoring round, as they were Parties to the Lanzarote Convention at the time of its launch in June 2016:






 Bosnia and Herzegovina




 Czech Republic















 Republic of Moldova




  North Macedonia




 Russian Federation

 San Marino


 Slovak Republic





