Virtual meeting, 23 November 2020


1. Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda

2. Exchange of views on document T-ES(2020)23 (Legal chapters of the 2nd monitoring round draft implementation report)

2.1 Chapter I: Legal frameworks

  • I.1 Introduction

I.1.1 Childself-generated sexual images and/or videos and the Lanzarote Convention

I.1.2 Specific reference to child-self-generated sexual material in legal frameworks

  • I.2 Article 20 of the Lanzarote Convention and child self-generated sexual images and/or videos
  • I.3 “Producing and possessing” child self-generated sexual images and/or videos

I.3.1 “Child pornography”

I.3.2 Reservations allowed by Article 20(3)

I.3.3 Criminal liability of children as clarified by the Committee’s Opinion on child sexually suggestive or explicit images and/or videos generated, shared and received by children

  • I.4 Sharing child self-generated sexual images and/or videos

I.4.1 “Offering, making available, distributing or transmitting” “child pornography”

I.4.2 Other offences involving child self-generated material sexual images and/or videos

  • I.5 Non-prosecution and sanctions

I.5.1 Prosecution of children as a last resort

I.5.2 Non-prosecution in the case of exploitation or abuse

  • I.6 Coercion/extortion involving child self-generated sexual images and/or videos

I.6.1 Liability of children subject to coercion/extortion

I.6.2 Coercion/extortion to obtain further child selfgenerated sexual images and/or videos

I.6.3 Coercion/extortion for (other) sexual gain

I.6.4 Coercion/extortion for financial benefit

I.6.5 Coercion/extortion for other personal gain

2.2 Chapter III: Investigation and prosecution

  • III.1 Specialised units, services or persons

III.1.1 Specialisation in law enforcement

III.1.2 Specialisation in prosecution and courts

III.1.3 Specialisation in dealing with child offenders

  • III.2 Training of professionals

III.2.1 Training of law enforcement agents

III.2.2 Training of prosecutors

III.2.3 Training of judges

III.2.4 Training overall

  • III.3 Effective investigation and prosecution

III.3.1 Victim identification

III.3.2 Challenges in the prosecution of perpetrators

3. Any other business

Dates of the next meetings

  • 7-11 December 2020, KUDO Platform (exact dates tbc)
  • 15-19 March 2021, Strasbourg (exact dates and place/nature of the meeting tbc)
  • 28 June - 2 July 2021, Strasbourg (exact dates and place/nature of the meeting tbc)
  • 29 November - 3 December 2021, Strasbourg (exact dates and place/nature of the meeting tbc)


List of decisions