25 October 2021 1.05 pm (Kyiv time) - 2.30 pm

Webinar on the European Day of Justice

Online - Ukraine
Event Information

Every year on 25 October, the Council of Europe celebrates the European Day of Justice with the aim of dissemination of knowledge about human rights and best practices in the protection of rights and access to justice.

This webinar is dedicated to discussing the harmonization of the European civil procedure, in particular, the preparation of the Model Rules of the European Civil Procedure ELI-Unidroit https://www.unidroit.org/instruments/civil-procedure/eli-unidroit-rules , as well as prospects for their further application in the theory of civil procedural law and case law.

This webinar is held within the framework of the pan-European celebration program https://www.coe.int/en/web/cepej/events/european-day-of-justice   

The event is designed for law students of higher education institutions of Ukraine.

You can download the programme 

Time: Oct 25, 2021 01:00 PM Kiev

Join Zoom Meeting : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82854463668?pwd=M2lkSCtkN0Fab2xlRTljTkdVVkZnZz09

Meeting ID: 828 5446 3668

Passcode: 601323



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