Back Study Visit to Latvia for judges and members of the Kosovo Judicial Council

Study Visit to Latvia for judges and members of the Kosovo Judicial Council

On 20-21 July 2022, CEPEJ supported a Study Visit of judges and members of the Kosovo Judicial Council to Latvian judiciary. A group of 16 participants including Mr Albert Zogaj, the Chairman of the Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC), Mr Enver Peci, the President of the Supreme Court, Presidents of Basic Courts, as well as representatives of the KJC Secretariat took part in the two-day study visit. The purpose of the visit was to exchange information and experience on topics of common interest such as the digitalisation of court proceedings, case weighting, judge’s performance evaluation and judicial map reforms. Meetings were held with Latvian counterparts at the Riga Regional Court, the Judicial Council of Latvia, the Supreme Court, the Riga District Court of Jurmala, and the Court Administration of Latvia, where the CEPEJ expert Ms Anna Skrjabina presented several projects developed and implemented to improve the efficiency and quality of the justice system. In particular, participants had the opportunity to see how videoconferencing is used in Latvian courts and discuss with the interlocutors the use of the e-case, e-portal and e-services offered to court users.

This activity was organised by the KoSEJ II Action, which is part of the joint programme entitled "Horizontal Facility of the Western Balkans and Turkey II", co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence

Riga, Latvia 20-21 July 2022
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The CEPEJ will participate to the next EUR General Assembly 

From 13.9.2023 to 16.9.2023 the General Assembly of the European Union of Rechtspfleger (EUR) will take place in Prague. It will be attended by Ivan CRNČEC, the Vice-President of the CEPEJ.

One of the topics of the event will be: Rechtspfleger - Development of training in Europe.

For questions please mail to: [email protected]



In setting up the European Commission for  the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) at the end of 2002, at the initiative of the European  ministers of Justice who met in London (2000), the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe wanted to establish an innovative body for improving the quality and efficiency of the European judicial systems and  strengthening the court users’ confidence in such systems.

The CEPEJ develops concrete measures and tools aimed at policy makers and judicial practitioners in order to:

  • Analyse the functioning of judicial systems and orientate public policies of justice
  • Have a better knowledge of judicial timeframes and optimize judicial time management
  • Promote the quality of the public service of justice
  • Facilitate the implementation of European standards in the field of justice
  • Support member states in their reforms on court organisations

The CEPEJ also contributes with specific expertise to debates about the functioning of the justice system in order to provide a forum for discussion and proposals and bring the users closer to their justice system. (Read more)



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 European judicial systems - CEPEJ Evaluation Report - Evaluation cycle 2020

- Part 1: Tables, graphs and analysis

- Part 2: Country Profiles

- Part 3: CEPEJ-STAT database



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