Crystal Scales of JusticeThe Prize “Crystal Scales of Justice” has been awarded, Tuesday 25 October 2005, to a Finnish initiative on quality project in the courts in the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Rovaniemi.

The Prize has been awarded by Ms Maud de Boer Buquicchio, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, and Mr Francisco Fonseca Morillo, Director at the European Commission for freedom, security and justice at the Conférence « Justice for ALL» which was held in Edinburgh, Scotland from 24 to 26 October.

The Council of Europe and the European Commission organised, for the first time, in the framework of the 3rd issue of the European Day of Civil Justice a competition to discover and highlight innovative and efficient practices used in European courts for court organisation or for the conduct of civil proceedings (for instance initiatives devised by a court president, a registry, a Bar) and deserving to be drawn to the attention of policy-makers and the judicial community so as to improve the operation of the public system of civil justice..

22 entries were accepted from courts or other bodies of judicial professionals in the member states of the European Union or the Council of Europe according to the modalities of the attached rules for the prize. These 22 entries , whose summaries have been collected in a publication, constituing as many exemples of good practices in courts organisation or for the implementation of civil judicial procedures.

The Jury met in Brussels on 4 October 2005 and decided to honour 7 projects, among which 3 have been shortlisted to compete for the Crystal Scales of Justice and invited to submit their projects in Edinburgh.

Finally it was the project submitted by Courts in the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Rovaniemi in Finland which won the award.

The ''Crystal Scales of Justice'' award: the 7 honoured projects in 2005 (in bold are the 3 projects shortlisted)

The representatives of the three projects shortlisted were invited to participate in the Conference “Justice for ALL” in Edinburgh, during which the prize was awarded to the Courts in the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Rovaniemi (Finland), for the project Quality Project in the Courts in the Jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Rovaniemi.

Prix européen de pratiques innovantes concourant à la qualité de la justice civile

"Project titles are available in the language in which the applications have been submitted to the CEPEJ”


Pays Candidat Titre
Autriche Ministère de la Justice The reform of Law Enforcement (“Fex-project”)
Belgique Anvers – Cour d’Appel Médiation judiciaire
Belgique Rechtbank van eerste aanleg (Mechelen) La procédure écrite généralisée en matière civile
Belgique Liège – Tribunal de 1ère instance Amélioration du déroulement des expertises en matière civile
Belgique Fédération Royale du Notariat belge Réseau européen des registres testamentaires (RERT)
Belgique Mons - Cour d’Appel La conciliation en degré d’appel
Belgique Bruxelles (Cour d’Appel) Création d'une chambre d'introduction + Protocoles
Chypre Nicosie – Cour Suprême Organisation de la JEJC à Chypre
Finlande Rovaniemi Court of Appeal Quality Project in the Courts in the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Rovaniemi
Finlande Ministry of Justice Legal aid Scheme in Finland
France Tarascon - TGI La pratique de la médiation dans le contentieux familial du Tribunal de Grande Instance de Tarascon : un changement de culture
Allemagne MJU Rhénanie Westphalie International Judicial Assistance Online
Irlande Commercial Division – High Court, Dublin Effects of the Commercial Court
Italie Rome – Direction Générale de la Statistique (MJU) Analyse des modèles d’organisation des Cour d’Appel
Norvège Trondheim – District Court Achievements of the Trondheim District Court
Pays-Bas Arnhem – Rechtbank (District Court) Improvement of the bulk procedure of civil judgments by default
Portugal Lisbonne – Association des Officiers de Justice Harmonisation et célérité du système procédural au sein des greffes européens
Slovénie Ljubljana - Cour Suprême Annexed mediation and accelerated civil litigation programme of Lubljana District Court
Espagne Madrid – Conseil général des Pouvoirs judiciaires Vademecum of International Judicial co-operation
Suisse Fribourg – Tribunal cantonal Journée de visites de classes et Journée Portes ouvertes au grand public
Royaume-Uni Department for Constitutional Affairs Electronic Diary (eDiary)
Royaume-Uni Exeter and County Court In Court mediation



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