23rd October 2020

Virtual quiz about about the work and functions of the courts and about the role of the courts in society

Event Information

In 2020 many physical events have had to be canceled. Therefore the Courts of Denmark and the Danish Court Administration have had a special incentive this year to draw attention to the judiciary in a new way. We do this by celebrating the day with a virtual quiz – www.domstolsdysten.dk

In order to protect something, you have to understand why protection is valuable. With that in mind we have developed www.domstolsdysten.dk The purpose of the quiz is – in a fun way - to raise awareness about the work and functions of the courts and about the role of the courts in society. The objective is to send a message about the importance of protecting and maintaining the core values that define and characterize an independent judiciary and e to make people wiser about the judiciary in Denmark and in a European perspective. Right now the quiz consists of 3 smaller quizzes; Law and justice, the work of the Court and the European perspective. In the quizzes there are questions about everything from witnesses, legislation in the EU, the European Court of Human Rights, rule of law, separation of state powers, types of cases etc.

We hope that many will find it fun to take the quiz.

The Danish Court Administration distributes the quiz on our virtual platforms (www.domstol.dk, and LinkedIn). In addition the quiz is promoted with articles in newspapers and with the help of some of our partners and with the assistance of a few politicians. We hope that the people who quiz will share and disseminate the quiz and the knowledge that comes with it on social media and amongst professional and personal networks.

English addition to the quiz: .

Link (requires to press the English flag to be English) to share the idea. You are obviously also very welcome to try and maybe learn a new fact about the Danish judiciary and help us highlight the importance of protecting and maintaining the core values ​​that define and characterize an independent judiciary.

Share the quiz among colleagues, staff and friends !




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