Overall objective

This Action aims to improve the day-to-day functioning and quality of the justice system in Kosovo*, by making available to the beneficiaries the methodology and tools of the CEPEJ. The application of this methodology and tools leads to an increased capacity of the responsible beneficiaries to assess the efficiency of the Kosovo* judicial system, ensuring that justice is delivered within a reasonable time and that it meets good quality standards.

This Action will address the courts, and also strengthen the knowledge of the beneficiaries on the tools and methodology of the CEPEJ.

Specific objectives

The first specific objective is to enhance the efficiency of the justice system in accordance with CEPEJ standards and tools on judicial statistics and time management with:

  • An in-depth and global assessment of the judicial system with recommendations for improvements;
  • Support to the capacity of the KJC and of courts to improve judicial time management, the collection and management of statistical data and enhance their efficiency in accordance with CEPEJ methodology and tools, in particular the SATURN Guidelines.

The second specific objective is to enhance the quality of the justice system, in accordance with CEPEJ quality standards and tools with:

  • Court Coaching Programmes in close cooperation with the KJC in individual courts in view of building the capacity of courts to deliver a better justice service in accordance with CEPEJ quality tools such as the Checklist for promoting the quality of justice and the courts and the Handbook on conducting users’ satisfaction surveys.

Main beneficiaries and partners

The Ministry of Justice, the Kosovo Judicial Council, Courts, the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council and the Kosovo Judicial Institute.


* All references to Kosovo, whether to its territory, institutions or population in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

Project news

Back Supporting the development of statistical reports to be generated by the Case Management Information System and the introduction of the electronic assignment of cases in Kosovo*

Supporting the development of statistical reports to be generated by the Case Management Information System and the introduction of the electronic assignment of cases in Kosovo*

From 17 to 20 December 2018, the KoSEJ Action organised an expert mission to follow-up on the issues raised at the workshop held in May 2018 with high level international expertise to support the development and implementation of the Case Management Information System (CMIS) for courts and prosecution offices. The CEPEJ expert met with the CMIS team to discuss their ambition, during the next phase of the project, to develop a robust reporting functionality that will provide reliable judicial statistics in line with CEPEJ methodology. A visit was also paid to the Basic Court of Gjakovë/Ðakovica to discuss with the Court President, judges and other court users how the new system can be used to increase efficiency. The mission was also an opportunity to further emphasize the importance to introduce the electronic assignment of cases, since cases are still currently being distributed manually.

The mission was organised by the KoSEJ Action, funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe. The KoSEJ Action has been supporting the development and implementation of the CMIS based on the CEPEJ Cyberjustice Guidelines since the end of 2016.

* All references to Kosovo, whether to its territory, institutions or population in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

headline Pristina and Gjakova (Kosovo) 9 January 2019
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