Project's objectives

To improve the efficiency and quality of the Slovak judicial system, through a thorough assessment of the efficiency and quality of the judicial system and application of CEPEJ tools and methodology.

Expected results

  • The Slovak judicial system is assessed as regards efficiency and quality, and relevant recommendations to improve these aspects and contribute to potential reforms are formulated by CEPEJ experts.
  • Recommendations are addressed by CEPEJ experts to the Slovak authorities as regards the capacity development of an analytical centre and how to use the IT system more efficiently, and other specific issues.
  • The efficiency and quality of courts is enhanced through application of CEPEJ methodology and tools on judicial time management and quality of justice in pilot courts.

Main activities

  • Collection of qualitative and quantitative indicators on the functioning of the justice system at national level and at individual courts’ level and visits of CEPEJ experts to present the tools and methodology developed by CEPEJ, discuss the data collected and meet court representatives and representatives of other institutions involved in order to get a better insight of the performance of the judicial system;
  • Developing of assessment reports including recommendations for further reforms and measures to strengthen the efficiency and quality of the Slovak judicial system.
  • Implementing Court coaching programmes in pilot courts for application of CEPEJ methodology and tools on judicial time management and quality of justice.

Project beneficiaries and stakeholders

The main partner is the Ministry of Justice of Slovakia. Courts, judges and court staff, the analytical centre (to be developed) will be involved in the project.

The project is financed by Slovakia, through funds coming from the European Social Fund.

Project documents


CCJE opinions

CEPEJ documents

Project news

Back The Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic proposed to the national legislator the introduction of the “visiting judge” concept with a view to facilitating the replacement of suddenly departing judges or reinforcing the provisionally overburdened courts

The Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic proposed to the national legislator the introduction of the “visiting judge” concept with a view to facilitating the replacement of suddenly departing judges or reinforcing the provisionally overburdened courts

Since 1 April 2017 the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic and European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) have been actively engaged in the project “Strengthening the Efficiency and Quality of the Slovak Judicial System”. In the framework of this cooperation and as a result of a report by the CEPEJ experts containing recommendations and good practices for the purpose of improving the judicial administration, the Slovak Ministry of Justice developed a draft law with amendments to the existing legislation with a view to introducing the “visiting/guest judge” concept in Slovakia. The respective draft law was submitted to the CEPEJ for a detailed expert opinion. Therefore, the draft amendments have been reviewed by a team of experts from Italy, the Netherlands, and France, with a specific attention to the Council of Europe standards of judicial independence. The expert opinion was subsequently discussed by the working group which drafted the amendments. At the moment of the publication of this news the draft law introducing the visiting judge concept were was pending final adoption by the Slovak Parliament.

* The project “Strengthening the efficiency and quality of the Slovak judicial system” is financed by the European Social Fund.

headline Slovakia 17 July 2019
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