Back Turkish students participate in study visit to Albania

Turkish students participate in study visit to Albania

In the context of the project “Strengthening Democratic Culture in Basic Education in Turkey”, a study visit was organised to Albania between 16-20 May 2022, in collaboration with the project “Strengthening Democratic Citizenship Education in Albania”. The aim of this study visit was to introduce the participants with the whole school model and democratic school practices being used in primary and lower-secondary education (grade 4-9) in Albania and share experiences and best practices.


22 lower-secondary students from the 10 pilot provinces of the Turkish project, accompanied by 10 teachers and representatives of the Ministry of National Education, had the opportunity to visit several basic educations schools, and participate in activities based on the Reference Framework on Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC). Group discussions, as well sports, dance and art performances allowed them to appreciate the value of peer collaboration and also the acknowledge the challenge interacting with peers of a different culture and speaking a different language. Students had the chance to discover a new country and its traditions, while Albanian schools were excited to host them in a spirit of multiculturalism.


The most topical subject discussed was regarding the environment and sustainability. The group was invited to the Ministry of Education and Sports, where they met with the National Student’s Parliament as well as representatives of the National Parliament, members of the Parliamentary Group "Friends of Children", which aims at establishing a constructive dialogue between public institutions, civil society organisations and key actors to ensure the protection of children's rights in all areas. During the panel, both Turkish and Albanian children were given the opportunity to present examples of the activities conducted in their schools in relation to the preservation of the environment and sustainable consumption of resources.

On this occasion, the Albanian Minister of Education and Sports, Ms Evis Kushi, welcomed all students and introduced the topic, by highlighting the efforts made in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Environment to advance the human right to a clean and healthy environment. In her opening remarks, Ms Ayşe Kula (Head of Research & Development and Projects Department, Directorate of General of Basic Education, MoNE) informed the participants about the works on environment and climate change carried out in line with the sustainable development goals. The Education Counsellor Mr Metin Bulut of the Turkish Embassy in Tirana also made opening remarks highlighting the fruitful collaboration between the two countries, and expressed their willingness for further co-operation.

During the visit, students had the chance to experience the RFCDC in practice, through peer learning and peer co-operation. Children realised the importance of empathy, diversity, collaboration, teamwork, and civic awareness, among others, and were able to discuss and think critically about matters important to them. The teachers accompanying the children on this study visit also exchanged opinions and experiences with their Albanian colleagues about how to ensure active participation of students, parents and NGOs.
TIRANA 16-20 MAYIS 2022
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