Back RE-LAUNCH: Call for Tender – national consultancy services in the field of discipline and reward procedures for prisoners

RE-LAUNCH: Call for Tender – national consultancy services in the field of discipline and reward procedures for prisoners

The Council of Europe is currently implementing a Project on Enhancing the Disciplinary and Reward Procedures for Prisoners in Türkiye and has launched a tender seeking for Provider(s) for the provision of consultancy services in the field of discipline and reward procedures for prisoners to be requested by the Council on an as needed basis. There has been a need for clarification upon the evaluation of the submitted offers, as the inconsistencies demonstrate a misunderstanding among tenderers due to the formulation of the Act of Engagement. Therefore, the procedure is renewed to ensure a fairer selection process. Please note that the requirements remain the same, only updates are in technical aspects of the procedure.

The details of the tendering procedure can be found in the Terms of Reference, which has been linked below.


Background of the Project

The Project on Enhancing the Disciplinary and Reward Procedures for Prisoners in Türkiye aims to contribute to a safer society that provides full protection of the rights and dignity of persons deprived of their liberty. As such, the Project is expected to develop and ensure the application of a standardised and efficient discipline and reward system that contributes to prisoners’ rehabilitation through numerous activities to be implemented under the following three components:

  1. revising and strengthening the relevant legislative framework governing the discipline and reward procedures for prisoners,
  2. producing advanced tools to facilitate the unified application of discipline and rewards system in the country and,
  3. enhancing the capacities of prison directors and staff on the application of discipline and reward procedures.


The Council of Europe is looking for a maximum of 30 Provider(s) (provided enough tenders meet the criteria indicated below) in order to support the implementation of the project with a particular expertise on human rights, social and rehabilitation services, penitentiary, criminal law and execution law and international standards and practices (CPT standards, case law of the ECtHR and other relevant international documents/instruments) and adult training methodology.


The present tendering procedure aims to select Provider(s) to support the implementation of the project and is divided into the following lots:


Maximum number of Providers to be selected

Lot 1: Legislative framework and development of tools


Lot 2: Training and capacity building



Lot 1 concerns conducting a legislative review and proposing legislative amendments and tools for better implementation in line with European standards and best practices, with a specific focus on the ECtHR caselaw, in line with the findings of the needs assessment and baseline study. Awareness raising activities on the proposed legislative amendments and the developed tools will also be included in this Lot. Therefore, this Lot will be covering the activities to be implemented under the first two components of the project, as indicated above.

Lot 2 concerns the capacity building activities for prison directors and staff responsible for the implementation of discipline and reward procedures. Training curricula, modules and materials will be prepared using adult training methodology, a pool of national trainers will be established through a Training of Trainers session and the prepared material will be piloted through cascade sessions facilitated by these national trainers. The revision of the modules with an adult training perspective as well as the development of assessment tools and analysis of their results are also included within this lot. In short, this Lot will be covering the third and final component of the project, as indicated above.

The Council will select the abovementioned number of Provider(s) per lot, provided enough tenders meet the criteria indicated below. Tenderers are invited to indicate which lot(s) they are tendering for (see Section A of the Act of Engagement). Providers can submit their offers only for one of the Lots or both, in accordance with their field of activity. Selected Providers will be approached by the project team on a needs-basis for the activities under the Lot(s) they have applied for and in accordance with their area of expertise.


Assessment of offers

Eligibility criteria

  • A University degree in a relevant field (law, human rights, political science, social science, education, etc.);
  • At least 3 (three) years of professional experience in one or more of the following areas:
    • legislative review and drafting, preferably with focus on execution of criminal sanctions, rights and treatment of prisoners or a similar area,
    • developing training curricula, modules and materials and conducting training in human rights, preferably for prison staff.
    • working with prison management and staff on discipline and reward procedures.
  • Excellent oral and written English. The national consultants are expected to work in close cooperation with the international consultants.

Award criteria

  • Quality of the offer (80%), including:
  • Criterion 1: Thematic expertise in the relevant area, including human rights, social and rehabilitation services, penitentiary, criminal law and execution law and international standards and practices (CPT standards, case law of the ECtHR and other relevant international documents/instruments) and adult training methodology,
  • Criterion 2: Previous similar assignments with international organisations (30%).


  • Financial offer (20%) - Tenderers are invited to indicate their daily fees, by completing and sending the table of fees, as attached in Section A to the Act of Engagement. These fees are final and not subject to review. Tenders proposing fees above the exclusion level indicated in the Table of fees will be entirely and automatically excluded from the tender procedure.


Documents to be provided

  • A completed and signed copy of the Act of Engagement (See attached);
  • A detailed CV, preferably in Europass Format, demonstrating clearly that the tenderer fulfils the eligibility criteria;
  • A motivation letter indicating reasons for applying and possible added value of the tenderer for the related lots (in English - 2 pages maximum). In your motivation letter, please indicate your contribution to the Lot or Lots you are applying for considering the questions below:
    • For Lot 1 – have you ever drafted analytical reports or developed tools for implementation?
    • For Lot 2 – have you ever prepared training tools, modules and materials and/or deliver ToTs/cascade trainings?
  • At least two examples of previous work/deliverables, preferably in a form of reference/links to publications, assessments, analyses, reports, studies, etc. relevant to the experience the tenderer claims (English or Turkish);
  • 3 (three) relevant references, from previous employers (please indicate only the name, surname, position/occupation and phone number or e-mail – the Council of Europe reserves the right to contact the references during the selection procedure).

All documents shall be submitted in English (with the exception of examples of previous work, which can also be submitted in Turkish), failure to do so will result in the exclusion of the tender.

Submission of offers


Tenders shall be submitted by email only (with attachments) to the

[email protected] email address. Tenders addressed to another email address will be rejected. Tenderers must include the following reference in subject line: Tender – Discipline and Reward.


The deadline for the submission of offers is 8 March 2023, 23.59 hrs (Istanbul time).


All questions shall be submitted at least 5 (five) working days before the deadline for submission of the tenders and shall be exclusively addressed to the email address indicated above with the following reference in subject: Questions - Discipline and Reward.

The responses to the duly submitted questions, if any, will be published on the Ankara Office web page on 2 March 2023:



Tender documents:

Terms of Reference

Act of Engagement

Ankara 22 February 2023
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