Back First Examples of Classroom-Based Educational Activities Presented During the Working Group Meeting under the Project on Strengthening Democratic Culture in Basic Education in Turkey

First Examples of Classroom-Based Educational Activities Presented During the Working Group Meeting under the Project on Strengthening Democratic Culture in Basic Education in Turkey


Within the scope of the European Union – Council of Europe Joint Project “Strengthening Democratic Culture in Basic Education”, the national consultants in charge of developing classroom-based educational activities for basic education presented the activities they had developed for the feedback of the Material Development Working Group of the Project during the meeting held in Ankara on 1-2 August 2019.

The consultants will revise the activities in line with the feedback received and continue to produce similar activities for 10 different subjects at basic education level. The activities aim to integrate competences for democratic culture into the curriculum for each subject. In parallel to this process, storybooks are being developed for preschool students and 1st and 2nd grade students, aiming to teach various competences for democratic culture, in line with both the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and the national curricula.

After the finalisation of the materials and their approval by the Ministry of National Education, they will be piloted in 110 pilot schools of the Project throughout a school year.

Ankara 1-2 August 2019
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