Back Call for tender – Purchase of services on conducting court users’ satisfaction survey in selected administrative courts in Turkey

Call for tender – Purchase of services on conducting court users’ satisfaction survey in selected administrative courts in Turkey

The Joint Project on “Improving the Effectiveness of the Administrative Judiciary and Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Council of State in Turkey (hereinafter – the Project) is launching a tender procedure for purchase of services on conducting court users’ satisfaction survey in selected administrative courts to assess expectations and experiences of the court users to identify challenges and generate recommendations for quality of administrative court services.

For more details, please consult the Terms of Reference and the Act of Engagement.

Expected duration of the provided services: 15 March 2021- 20 July 2021.

All offers should be sent to [email protected] indicating 1257/2021/SURVEY in the e-mail subject line by 5 March 2021 14:00 (Turkish time). Tenders addressed to another email address will be rejected.

All questions shall be submitted by 14:00 on 25 February 2021 (Turkish time) and shall be exclusively addressed to the e-mail address [email protected] with the following reference in the e-mail subject: “QUESTIONS_1257/2021/SURVEY”


Eligibility criteria

• A legal person duly registered in Turkey; company/institution/organization having legal grounds to provide research and survey services and operating in good standing

• At least 5 years of experience at national or international level in areas of work related to surveys; in providing researches using face-to-face, online and focus group methods across Turkey’s territory with sample over 2000 respondents.


Documents to be provided

• A completed and signed copy of the Act of Engagement [1] (See attached);

• Registration documents (scanned copy of the originals in Turkish);

• A list of all owners and executive officers, for legal persons only;

• Professional profile in the form of official letter (stamped and signed) or PPT presentation demonstrating clearly that the tenderer fulfils the eligibility criteria, in particular having a list of surveys carried out using face-to-face methods in Turkey with sample over 2000 respondents;

Technical proposal describing;

a) Sample of the court users’ satisfaction survey implementation plan and proposed timeline including training of the interviewers to be carried out before conducting the surveys.

b) Description of the professional experience of the key human resources to be engaged to provide the requested services.


Attachments to the present announcement contain full description of the terms and conditions of the needed services.

All documents shall be submitted in English (with only exception to registration document which can be submitted in Turkish), failure to do so will result in the exclusion of the tender.

If any of the documents listed above are missing, the Council of Europe reserves the right to reject the tender. All supporting documents should be submitted either in PDF (or in PPT for professional profile) or in MS Word (DOC/DOCX) format.


  1. Tender File/Terms of Reference
  2. Act of Engagement


[1] The Act of Engagement must be completed, signed and scanned in its entirety (i.e. including all the pages). The scanned Act of Engagement may be sent page by page (attached to a single email) or as a compiled document, although a compiled document would be preferred. For all scanned documents, .pdf files are preferred.

Ankara 10 February 2021
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