Strasbourg, 14-15 October 2013


1. Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda
Draft Annotated Agenda

2. Monitoring of the implementation of the Lanzarote Convention:

a. Brief introduction by the Secretariat to reference document T-ES(2013)07 on the relevant case-law concerning “The right of children to be protected against sexual violence”.
T-ES(2013)07 - The right of children to be protected against sexual violence - Relevant case law

b. Brainstorming on the possible organisation of an in-depth and comprehensive (not only Council of Europe) presentation of the recent case law concerning the right of children to be protected against sexual violence.
c. Clarification concerning the number of countries concerned by the 1st monitoring round.

d. Exchange of views on working document T-ES(2013)10 (suggestions on how to articulate the thematic questionnaire is subthemes) and agreement on an indicative timetable for the 1st monitoring round (see §§ 6-7 of the list of decisions of the Lanzarote Committee’s 5th meeting).
T-ES(2013)10 - Suggestions on how to articulate the thematic questionnaire and embark in the 1st monitoring round

3. Capacity-building activities:

a. Information on the organisation of a Conference to be held in Madrid on 10-11 December 2013 to share good practices on "Preventing sexual abuse of children".

b. Exchange of views and suggestions on possible good practices to be show-cased in Madrid.

c. Debriefing from the Lanzarote Committee members having participated in the:

  • 13th ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse & Neglect (Dublin, 15-18 September 2013);
  • EPAS Conference on “Inclusion and Protection of Children in and through Sport” (Budapest, 7-8 October 2013).

d. Up-date on the Council of Europe ONE in FIVE Campaign.

4. Other business:

a. Progress concerning the preparation of the 2nd volume of the Council of Europe publication “Protecting children from sexual violence” (see §§ 31-33 and Appendix IV, Lanzarote Committee 4th meeting report).

b. Possible appointment of a Gender Equality Rapporteur for the Lanzarote Committee (see § 10 of the list of decisions of the Lanzarote Committee’s 5th meeting).

5. Date and place of the next meeting

9 December 2013, Madrid, followed by the Conference on “Preventing sexual abuse of children” (10-11 December 2013).

List of decisions
Report of the 6th meeting